Did I kill these seeds?:(


So approx. 5 days ago I wrapped around 16 seeds (spaced apart) in a paper towel, drenched it with warm water, and threw it in a cup with water in it to keep the towel moist. 2 days ago I checked if they had germinated and barely anything, so I took them out the of cup and just drenched it again with warm water and put them in the open, now today I check them and the paper towel is completely dried up.A couple of them have a really small white root appearing, most of them just have a small crack with no visible root. My big question: Did I kill these seeds?I've germinated seeds before successfully, it's just I couldn't check on these seeds for a couple days, and had to leave them alone So I couldn't fix any problems.Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
you couldve by letting them dry out like that, they might come back. what i do is fold a paper towel into a size that will fit inside a drug bag..i get it wet, squeeze out the excess water, and put it in a drug bag on top of my cable box, ive never had one dry up on me.


Well-Known Member
lol. whyd you put them in a bag and not a cup? if youre not going to do the paper towel method, put them in a cup with water in it and theyll float, once they sink take them out..if theyre not already dead


Well-Known Member
Use two plates the same size. Wet the paper towels ,place seeds inbetween the paper towel. put the paper towel on the plate and put the second plate on top up side down. Place plate on cable box. check in 24 hours. you should see a tap root. if not check in another 12 hours, with in 48 hours they should be cracked...I have 100% germ rate doing it that way...100's of you tube videos on how to germ using plates and paper towels...16 seeds is a lot of plants...Hope you have the room for them and your grow area set up


No I did the sinking method, with just water, and the reason I put them in a bag is for the moisture to evap. and have it humid in there.

MY BIG QUEST: Will they survive?


Then, Should I take them out of the bag with water and plant them now? Or just wait and leave them in the water bag to soak up?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
this is just my opinion on what has been said so far i would not throw them out as long as the root is still white if it has browned or yellowed maybe but i myself now that you dehydrated them would find the medium that i decided to grow in and start them now, how about a picture

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
16 seed more then likely bag seed so i would plant them and start new seed right away this time keep and eye on them so they don't dry out,or just toss the first batch all together and start fresh


Well I just checked on them again today and the tails are bright white once again and have grown more than twice there old size! Does this mean there still alive?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
you couldve by letting them dry out like that, they might come back. what i do is fold a paper towel into a size that will fit inside a drug bag..i get it wet, squeeze out the excess water, and put it in a drug bag on top of my cable box, ive never had one dry up on me.
this is exactly what i do, except i use a sandwich bag. plastic bag + cable box = easy moisture maintenance and perfect temperature. i never seal the bag so they can breathe a bit. just check daily for mold. i've never found any mold.

Well I just checked on them again today and the tails are bright white once again and have grown more than twice there old size! Does this mean there still alive?
lol just plant the damn things and find out. no one can tell you for sure. i've had some seeds survive some real harsh treatment and others that didn't do so well. my rule of thumb is to just plant them all, even the ones that don't get tails days after the others have been planted. don't get your hopes up TOO high, but there's no need to throw them away. even if they die, i bet you won't make that mistake again, so there's still something to be gained. and seeds can surprise you. good luck.


Active Member
yea dude they're coming back, treat em like a girl you wanna fuck and take care of em.

Ok so Im not sure on this one but isn't it bad to keep seeds completely soaked for long periods of times? don't they need some oxygen? so they don't suffacate. I've done the seeds in a cup method but I only did it for 24 hrs then when they all swelled up put em in a pod and keep the soil damp not soaked, this is what I do but there are always better and more efficient ways. I was just wondering about that?


Dont keep putting them in water your going to drown them. Put then into your soil or medium if you see the white tap root. If you don't mind what kind of light you using?


New Member
I dont use paper towels anymore. just soak them in water for 2 hours and put them on a tray with a thin layer of soil barly cover them and mist them a bit. You dont want them soaking wet. put a humity dome over salid bowl from mc donalds works great. and place on a seed mat with a towel under it. ive always had them pop after 24 hours or less 100% germed so far and ive done hundreds like this.