Did I kill my beans, or too soon to tell?


Hey there. First proper grow just started (I'm not counting experimentation with bagseed, lots of learning but no actual MJ produced so far!) I have 5x Devon Maid autoflowers (a Lowryder #2 x Hindu Kush cross from a UK grower / breeder) under a 125W CFL in a converted wardrobe. Got some passive ventilation / air exchange going on but no fan & filter yet (there will be!) and I'm planning on a small occasional grow just to keep me in bud.

Soooo... I paper-towelled them on Sat night, first seed case split was after about 24-30hrs, put 'em straight into their final (3L) pots with J Arthur Bowers multipurpose with added John Innes pre-wetted. They had about 24hrs in the dark and then I thought I'd better get the light fired up for some added heat.

As I write it's about 4 days give or take an hour since they hit the paper towel, but no shoots. Temp is 20-22C, I have the pots clingfilmed (with vent holes) to retain heat / moisture and am adding drops of water every now and again just to keep the planting sites moist.

No shoots though. What do you think- is 4 days and no shoots normal, am I doing something I shouldn't, or am I not doing something I should? It didn't seem like the bagseed took this long to sprout (mind you I wasn't keeping score.) Any pointers? Probably I'm just anxious as these seeds were actually paid for rather than free with the nugs. :)


Well-Known Member
Don't drown them. A spray bottle with water at same temp as room helps to reduce over watering. Time and warmth are the key ingredients. I run a warming pad and lights to keep soil temps around 80 degrees with great success. Still takes 3-10 days to see anything pop the surface.


Well-Known Member
i like to till up the soil above where it should come out with a toothpick or something. ive saved a few that looked like they werent gonna come up. I just put the cotyledons above and then pack it in a teeny bit and let it be till it structures itself. If you damage the roots you'll kick yourself in the ass, be very careful with this approach. I'd wait a few more days. and sow it no more than 1/4-1/2" deep