Did I just screw my plants with this stuff?

Harvest Sun

Active Member
I got hit by some spider mites during Week 5 of flowering. I discovered the problem late at night when all the stores had closed so I trounced in to my garage and dug up this: Bayer Advanced 3-in-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control Ready-To-Use

It seemed like the perfect solution to me at the time, but when I just read the website I was sickened to read that it is meant for use on non-edible plants only. :cuss:
I sprayed the suckers pretty good with the stuff, let it sit for the rest of the 12 hour light cycle then sprayed them down with some fresh water before bed time.
I still have about 5 weeks to go before harvest. Is my crop ruined?


Well-Known Member
hmmmm. well I wouldn't suggest e-mailing and asking if it's okay to smoke, but fuck. I don't know man, that blows.


Well-Known Member
Dude... i think youll be fine just cause it was a 1 time thing ... 5 weeks to go with some spraying in another week or two of some other shit with water spraying in between... although... in the last 3 or 4 weeks you dont want allot of water on your buds... so maybe.... I would just spray them down with water a few more times in 1 week intervals and call it good.

good luck..

Harvest Sun

Active Member
Thanks for the responses. I sure hope they will be ok. I guess it might be worth noting that I didn't spray the buds themselves, just the undersides of the leaves. But what I am worried about is whatever chemicals getting absorbed by the plant and staying in it.

Anyone know how long a chemical like that could stay inside a plant for?

Thanks for the advice genfranco, I will keep it just straight water on the foliage for a couple more weeks. And maybe a super safe organic remedy if need be.


Well-Known Member
No problem man.... hell you didnt spray the buds?... your good... as far as the plant absorbing it .. dont worry. it will all get washed out during your 2 week water only flush.... Just make sure you give it a full two weeks.

Happy growing


New Member
You should be ok cos the bud itself is not that old, my tip always have 2 things near by at all times.
NUMBER 1 SOME KIND OF SPRAY for spider mite
NUMBER 2 a spare bulb in case the one you have packs up.


Well-Known Member
Yikes, I think it'll be alright, I suggest spraying them down with water and a drop or two of some castile soap to rinse off as much of the residual pesticide as possible. Farmers use much harsher shit on their crops, so it's not like you'll die.

Next time read the labels on the bottles.


Active Member
That Bayer is crap anyway. All it does is kill everything and when the mite eggs hatch, because they aren't effected by the chemical, they just take over. I had the same problem this year. My timing for the ladybugs was off, I got them too early. The ladybugs had moved on by the time the surge came...next year ladybugs in August. I got one of those sprayers from wal-mart put some insecticidal soap in with some vit B (mostly to help protect the plant from the soap). I sprayed the plants, in the evening, very important, left it over night and washed off in the morning. The earlier the better, before the sun comes up. That still didn't stop the eggs from hatching, and for 2 days I just sprayed water, using the flat setting on the hose sprayer, hitting upward under the leaves, every 2 hours. I finally got a handle on the mites after that. It was a lot of work, well worth the effort. The only plants affected by the mites are my greenhouse plants. My outdoor plants have no signs of mites at all.


Active Member
I wouldnt use much of that bayer shit, i wouldnt trust it mainly because ive never heard of it. I have used nicotine water solution to take care of spider mites, and ive also used a insecticidal soap, but as far as im concerned, none of it is good, but when it comes to mites, its win at all costs. The nicotine water is the best way, google it and it can give you a fulll description on how to prepare it. As far as your buds, dont spray anything else on them, all these chemicals that people spray onto their plants such as that bayer, or miracle grow, or anything else is going to soak into your plant and even if you do flush it, your going to have some of those chemicals in your plants. If youve ever smoked bud and gotten a headache, or felt some effects not associated with marijuana, its because your ingesting some chemicals that are not supposed to be there. If you smoke weed thats giving you headaches, unload it and re up.. best thing to do..

P.S. if you had spider mites then i would suggest changing your soil out, you never know where those little bastards hide, but be careful with the plant, dont shock it when transplanting the soil.


Well-Known Member
Yikes, I think it'll be alright, I suggest spraying them down with water and a drop or two of some castile soap to rinse off as much of the residual pesticide as possible. Farmers use much harsher shit on their crops, so it's not like you'll die.

Next time read the labels on the bottles.
I agree, don't just leave it to water.

Usually there are information sheets on these products listed with the EPA. Do a Google.


New Member
I wouldnt use much of that bayer shit, i wouldnt trust it mainly because ive never heard of it. I have used nicotine water solution to take care of spider mites, and ive also used a insecticidal soap, but as far as im concerned, none of it is good, but when it comes to mites, its win at all costs. The nicotine water is the best way, google it and it can give you a fulll description on how to prepare it. As far as your buds, dont spray anything else on them, all these chemicals that people spray onto their plants such as that bayer, or miracle grow, or anything else is going to soak into your plant and even if you do flush it, your going to have some of those chemicals in your plants. If youve ever smoked bud and gotten a headache, or felt some effects not associated with marijuana, its because your ingesting some chemicals that are not supposed to be there. If you smoke weed thats giving you headaches, unload it and re up.. best thing to do..

P.S. if you had spider mites then i would suggest changing your soil out, you never know where those little bastards hide, but be careful with the plant, dont shock it when transplanting the soil.
Very wise words from a man in the know, loving your work dude... :-P


Well-Known Member
If needed I'll post my recipe. Pretty straightforward, and for me is proven to work. Including helping deal with leafminers (one of my own more prevalent troubles).

Harvest Sun

Active Member
Hey guys I really appreciate all of your responses.

Maiden I would love to hear your recipe, my spider mite problem seems to be under control but I have a feeling they will be back.

I plan to do a flush in a couple days. From here out it is nutes for 3 more weeks, then heavy flushing. I want this plant as pure as possible.

I am still wondering though how long the chemicals can stay in the plants system, forever? Could I just wait it out and extend the flowering period and harvest after its been ripe.

This is my first grow and I don't want to have to trash it after working so hard on it. Thanks again guys, your input is greatly appreciated.


New Member
mist plants every day with water twice a day and flush at least once keep misting for 2 weeks . If you get this prob again try end all 2 use at half strength and mostly on undersides of leaves, take off old growth like fan leaves at the bottom of plant as these areas are where they like to hide or sleep , when you spray make sure its just before u turn the lights off or they burn. Spray again 5 days later and they will all b gone then mist water for 2 weeks and flush to get toxins out .


Active Member
haha thanks bangers, just started posting on here, figured id get into it a little bit and spread the knowledge.. but not all of it.. Rule #1.. NEVER give away all your secrets!!


Well-Known Member
I should put this into a document so I don't have to keep typing it out. :lol:

Basic Tobacco Tea:

10 grams loose tobacco (I use either American Spirit or Bali Shag, both organic and additive-free)
1 liter water
Few drops non-antibacterial/antimicrobial soap (any dish soap or Ivory will do fine here, it's to stop the water from beading)

Either use very hot water and steep the tobacco overnight, OR put in a pan on lowest heat and steep for an hour. Don't simmer it if you can help it, I just want the water hot enough that I see wafts of steam on top.
Steep it till the tobacco turns tan/beige (you want all the color gone).
Strain through a fine sieve or cloth.

This concoction goes into my hand pump-sprayer. ALL surfaces must be hit, including soil surface. Try not to get it on your skin, you'll get a buzz. If you're very sensitive to nicotine and other compounds in tobacco, then wear long sleeves and proper clothing while using.
DO NOT dispose of in any type of open waterway, this stuff is highly toxic, especially to aquatic organisms.

If you need to make it stronger, you can easily go up to 15 grams tobacco per liter of water. You can easily store this in a container and use when needed.