Did I do this right?


Hi I’m new to this forum. So like 2-3 weeks ago I ended up germinating a weed seed that I found in my stash. Fast forward to today I now now have a little seedling growing. I’m surprised I have even got this far tbh. I guess u can call me a neeewb since I’m not really sure what I’m doing. Im on a budget and have been using nothing but the sunlight in my backyard giving it about at least 5-7 hours of direct sunlight a day and a total of about 12-14 hours of outside light in general. At first I planted the weed in miracle grow garden soil thinking all it needs it just dirt, water, and soil. But after doing some research online I come to find out I need to put other stuff in it like perlite, sand, and used coffee grounds. So I went to Walmart and jacked some of the ingredients (Remember I’m on a budget) and then came home and mixed it into the dirt. I kind of ripped off like half the roots by accident during the process but it’s okay because the plant is still alive. But now after doing some more research it turns out I’m not supposed to add too much stuff in the soil during seedling stage or else i might “nute burn” it. Is this mixture fine or do I need to replant the whole plant again?


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I can tell you right now that you are screwing yourself using miracle grow for cannabis. It just doesn't Jive, the MG and weed plants.
Hi I’m new to this forum. So like 2-3 weeks ago I ended up germinating a weed seed that I found in my stash. Fast forward to today I now now have a little seedling growing. I’m surprised I have even got this far tbh. I guess u can call me a neeewb since I’m not really sure what I’m doing. Im on a budget and have been using nothing but the sunlight in my backyard giving it about at least 5-7 hours of direct sunlight a day and a total of about 12-14 hours of outside light in general. At first I planted the weed in miracle grow garden soil thinking all it needs it just dirt, water, and soil. But after doing some research online I come to find out I need to put other stuff in it like perlite, sand, and used coffee grounds. So I went to Walmart and jacked some of the ingredients (Remember I’m on a budget) and then came home and mixed it into the dirt. I kind of ripped off like half the roots by accident during the process but it’s okay because the plant is still alive. But now after doing some more research it turns out I’m not supposed to add too much stuff in the soil during seedling stage or else i might “nute burn” it. Is this mixture fine or do I need to replant the whole plant again?

Dont believe the hype, MG does absolutely fine with cannabis, I’m saying this from personal experience, not from what I’ve heard. It just depends on what type of MG you have. There’s a 3 month and 6 month time release. If you have the 3 month, you might need to top dress after flowering starts, if you have the 6 month just water and you’ll be ok. No need to add anything else.
Dont believe the hype, MG does absolutely fine with cannabis, I’m saying this from personal experience, not from what I’ve heard. It just depends on what type of MG you have. There’s a 3 month and 6 month time release. If you have the 3 month, you might need to top dress after flowering starts, if you have the 6 month just water and you’ll be ok. No need to add anything else.
Please stop polluting RIU with your miracle grow soil miss information. Don't be an idiot.. MG is Not a good soil for Qaulity Bud...
Please stop polluting RIU with your miracle grow soil miss information. Don't be an idiot.. MG is Not a good soil for Qaulity Bud...

Maybe you should stop trying to advise people on soil you haven’t actually used yourself, and if you have and your crop sucked, that’s your fault. That don’t make MG bad to use cause you didn’t know how to use it. The idiotic part is you thinking you CANT get quality product from using it? You sound just like 75% of the people on here so quick to judge something they haven’t actually done themselves, just heard about and run with it. But I ain’t surprised one bit, starting to become the norm on this forum.
Maybe you should stop trying to advise people on soil you haven’t actually used yourself, and if you have and your crop sucked, that’s your fault. That don’t make MG bad to use cause you didn’t know how to use it. The idiotic part is you thinking you CANT get quality product from using it? You sound just like 75% of the people on here so quick to judge something they haven’t actually done themselves, just heard about and run with it. But I ain’t surprised one bit, starting to become the norm on this forum.
Try making your own soil. With nutrients geared towards what cannabis needs. And grow your own, then. And then maybe you just might rethink what you just said. There's a reason why 75% of people don't use MG.
Cannabis needs the same things other plants need. It doesn't have any super special requirements. It's a damn plant just like thousands of other plants. It needs the same things. It will grow just fine in the same soil a tomato or marigold will grow in. Cannabis growers are spending exorbitant amounts of money on these special products for cannabis. It's a frickin joke. I don't use anything cannabis specific and my grows are stellar. I've seen hundreds of grows from people using nothing but cannabis specific this and that and they don't look any better than mine grown using the same things I use to grow a damn tomato. In fact they look like crap compared to my grows. If you don't believe me go browse through the posts in the Marijuana Plant Problems section. Post after post of growers using every cannabis specific product know to man and still their plants have nothing but problems and look like crap. FACT
Try making your own soil. With nutrients geared towards what cannabis needs. And grow your own, then. And then maybe you just might rethink what you just said. There's a reason why 75% of people don't use MG.

I have made my own soils for your information, and like xtsho said, my crops didn’t look no different than using MG and from what I’m doing now which is promix and amending. As a matter of fact, I’m gonna stop right here because I didn’t answer the OP’s original question to start an argument with you.You are entitled to your opinion, and that’s all it is, an opinion.