Did i add too much perlite to my Ocean forest FFOF(pic included)


Well-Known Member
hey guys i just bought a bag of fox farm ocean forest and a bag of perlite, i probably mixed my soil so it was 50% perlite and 50% ocean forest. Take a look at the pic and lemme know if ill be alright, thanks!

i was reading where a guy said "A 50/50 mix of perlite in Ocean Forest is way too much. You only need to add 15-20% as OF is a real light mix to begin with. Too much perlite will cause the water to run right through the mix and the nutes in the OF won't be as available to the roots."

is this guy just wrong and will my soil mix be alright? thanks



Well-Known Member
I would 2nd what you where already told. I don't mix more than 15-20%. Learn, learn, learn. That's what makes us better growers.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, Perlite holds no moisture or nutes as im sure u already know, so think about it logically, if u have a 30Litre pot, then at the moment u r only offering ur plants a home in 15Litres of Ocean Forest which is a very light medium, (not enough food and moisture to sustain a healthy plant). If u have already started growing in it then u will need to water alot more often to keep ur plant healthy - or try a drip system..


Well-Known Member
i think youre good also.. youll have more drainage going on, but these things like that sort of thing. a wet and dry cycle. dont water too often but just enough to keep the top three or so inches moist. you may have to get a deeper drain pan, as the more you water, the quicker it will fill without being retained in the pot itself.



Well-Known Member
I always use 30% perlite, but after looking at FDD's stadium grow he's using more than 30%, so it depends how often you are prepared to water them, water and nutes attach to the surface of perlite which is what makes it an ideal additive to potting mix, apart from helping with drainage and allowing more oxygen to reach the roots.
50% is probably too much though so can you add more potting mix to it now, or is it too late.