Did God Create Robots or Was Freewill International?


Well-Known Member
Yes, quantum theory, although incredibly accurate, only gives the probability that 'events' will happen. But in order for La Place's demon to work, you have to assume that he would know all of the laws of the universe, and I think it's fairly certain to say that humans don't know all of the laws of the universe at this point. I think (conjecture) that quantum theory will be explained further. With that being said, (and this only being a thought experiment) I think it's at least worth conceiving that the idea of a unifying theory might be possible.

So, I guess the question would be; If a unifying theory is possible, could La Place's demon work?
I'm confident that will we one day discover and accurate TOE. With rapidly advancing technology and physicist busting their asses it seems inevitable. Still, even if we develop and sound theory, it would still be impossible to know (barring positing a supernatural omniscience) the position and momentum of every particle, which is what the Demon would require to function...


Well-Known Member
I'm confident that will we one day discover and accurate TOE. With rapidly advancing technology and physicist busting their asses it seems inevitable. Still, even if we develop and sound theory, it would still be impossible to know (barring positing a supernatural omniscience) the position and momentum of every particle, which is what the Demon would require to function...
No question it would require omniscience. You would have to know everything....

The point isn't whether it would require an impossible supernatural entity, but rather that the world is deterministic; and if there was a super intelligence they could know what would happen before it happened, based solely on the causal reactions of matter. Not saying it's actually possible... lol