Dick sucking thread


Well-Known Member
So @Pinworm and my dick-sucking love child.

How do you PLAN on your kid being a gay? That would make me SOOOOO happy.

And if it's a girl that sucks deck - well...OBVI she is gonna be good - that shit's genetic.


Well-Known Member
So @Pinworm and my dick-sucking love child.

How do you PLAN on your kid being a gay? That would make me SOOOOO happy.

And if it's a girl that sucks deck - well...OBVI she is gonna be good - that shit's genetic.
She already has some homo tendencies. She says her teacher is super gorgeous. I am always there to correct her, let her know the feelings she is having are normal, and try to give her guidance. She is super curious. I think it's cool.


Well-Known Member
She already has some homo tendencies. She says her teacher is super gorgeous. I am always there to correct her, let her know the feelings she is having are normal, and try to give her guidance. She is super curious. I sort of think it's cool.



Well-Known Member
:/ If my kid decides she like boobies instead of penis, I will totally back her up. She needs to make the decision on her own. Kind of weird that we've decided to bring my kid into the likes of this thread, but I would be the most awesome dad when (and if) she decided to be all about the vagini..
That's it! This is HAPPENING!

My eggs + your semen + robot uterus = COOLEST CYBORG KID EVER!!!!


Well-Known Member
If my daughter ends up being gay I'd be down with that for sure and be proud of her no matter what. I'd do the same if I ever had a boy, but I'd be bummed a bit I bet. I'd like him to grow up to be a manly man, not to be slurping some dudes veiny meat shaft in a parking lot. I'd support him, of course, but honestly I'd be worried because gay dudes get a lot of shit out there in "the world." Don't want him to have to worry about anything.


Well-Known Member
If my daughter ends up being gay I'd be down with that for sure and be proud of her no matter what. I'd do the same if I ever had a boy, but I'd be bummed a bit I bet. I'd like him to grow up to be a manly man, not to be slurping some dudes veiny meat shaft in a parking lot. I'd support him, of course, but honestly I'd be worried because gay dudes get a lot of shit out there in "the world." Don't want him to have to worry about anything.
Thank you, baby. I love you, brother.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather my daughter be a lez than be into guys, a lot less for a dad to worry about really...
Good funkin point!!!! bahahahaha

Or she could just be cool as Ballz like my niece!

I was there when she was born.

I think I was a GOOD influence. She's 19....and COOL AS TITTIES!!!

Love that KID!

She's into dudes though - PIty...