Diatomaceous Earth Question.


Well-Known Member
I used to use DE but don't any longer. Makes the soil a bit sticky like batter. Aeration was compromised. There are many other things to add. I use:

Crab Shell Meal
Neem Meal


Well-Known Member
I didn't read the whole thread. I just want to let you know DE was a bad idea last time i used it. One thing about it is it gets doughy when it gets wet, and once its wet it doesn't work like its supposed too. So in my case i made a huge mess, that i had to clean up. It mite not be worth it! Find a substitute like Rogg suggested.. Crab shell meal would be my favorite.
I don't agree.... I use it as a spray. I mix it with some seaweed and spray everything, it really works. The plants love the seaweed and the DE helps with any bugs.


Well-Known Member
My last comment, so I don't get annoying, but I (me) would not use it on anything ever.

But that's me.


Well-Known Member
What about the granular DE? It is not powder but 1/4" and smaller granules. It's kinda hard to find. I have heard from people using it that if you cover your topsoil, when you water it will dry out afterwards without becoming paste and will keep its effectiveness.


Well-Known Member
I just found it a problem and unnecessary. The other amendments I listed are much more to the point and effective, with no muddy downside.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
What about the granular DE? It is not powder but 1/4" and smaller granules. It's kinda hard to find. I have heard from people using it that if you cover your topsoil, when you water it will dry out afterwards without becoming paste and will keep its effectiveness.
Not positive about this, But we used DE that was brown to clean delicate cotton couches with. You pack it on the couch and let it dry. then vacuum it off. If it's the same stuff, you can get it at a janitorial supply.


Well-Known Member
If you use DE do not use anything but food grade. Other stuff you can buy has insecticides and other chemicals it's cut with. And yes de does not work once wet it is a mechanical killer.

Rrogs suggestions are best if your looking get rid of bugs in the soil. It's a pain when de gets wet I used it in my veggie garden to get rid of ear wigs which were big problem


Active Member
I had some food grade DE so i added a lot to my soil. it is awesome, no signs of any pests, and the girls almost looks like they have rubber leaves from all the silcon. I didnt measure anything out though, but it was a little excessive. I take the stuff as a supplement everyday too. Bought a 50lb bag for $40 online in canada, very affordable :)


I love DE i take it daily as well it killz all the bad "bugs" in the body as well helping my knees as i have bad arthitis