Diatomaceous earth and watering your plant?


Hi everyone,

As per title how do you feed your plants after applied DE to your soil? If I understand well it doesn't work when is wet..
Thanks in advance.
No, it doesn't work good wet - at least that's what I've read, and my limited personal experience agrees.

I used it once, and didn't like the way it was rendered ineffective when wet. Watering also ruined it's coverage, so that when it dried, it looked like there were uncovered areas of soil.

If you are in some sort of container with a wicking medium such as soil, you could water from the bottom.

Good Luck!
Hi, thanks for your replies, Greenguy I’m currently water from the bottom but it’s kind trick ...
Herb I forgot to mention that I applied against thrips and for what I’ve understood it must be on the soil, to interrupt their life cycle, but I’m no expert so probably you can explain me better about your technique, many thanks
I covered the top 2 or 3 inches of soil with washed play sand and watered slowly with a gnatrol treatment
Hi beercan, gnatrol treatment against thrips ? And you water from the bottom or from the top ?
Na i used the gnatrol for fungus gnats, never had thrips yet i just cover top of soil with sand to try and prevent critters from getting in soil, i watered from the top slowly, sand helps retain some moisture longer, i also streched giant panty hose around bottoms of pots to help prevent critters from entering holes in bottom of pots, i have also watered in diametaous earth before, hope this helps