dialouge box is missing it's icons

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Oh good. I thought it was my iPad that was the problem. I don't have any of the advanced features and paragraphs won't separate.


Well-Known Member
Everything is working normally for me. I'm using FireFox, have you tried a different browser?It may help to log off, clear your cache, reboot, and log in again.:mrgreen:
using safari, logged off and back on, nada...Can't post icons and pics...


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
lol it was just a statement bro......I just haven't heard anything "official" about it other than people saying they have been having trouble now for the past 2 days.
It is official, the site is wonky for some people and it is to fixed soon. :D

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Not fixed for me. My login still shows the password. I have now just hit login and go to a secondary login page..it works fine there...just another click.

OK, who hit the magic button? 5 minutes ago the above statement was true....now it's a blatant lie. LOL