Diagnosing deficiency help


Active Member
Hey growers, I need some help identifying a deficiency. Idk what it is I am dealing with. I'm about 3 weeks in the flowering process and leaves are starting to yellow and then die. I've had past plants with similar problems at this time.i never figured out the problem. The leaves are just yellowing, the green is just fading Away.20240102_234149.jpg
It's not on all leaves but most along the edges faintly are yellow. It seems around this time is when I always run into problems


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What are you feeding and how often? What is your PPM and Ph? How often do you water? Are you in soil?

I have had issues in the past similar to yours, usually happens after a few weeks in flower. What I discovered is following the nutrient schedule of the manufacturer can lead to underfeeding nitrogen because the schedule they publish will typically have grow nutrients to be used in veg, followed by bloom nutrients to be used in flower. This is based on the GH Flora Nova schedule (what I currently use). Following this schedule means a drastic reduction in the nitrogen once in flower, the flower nutrients are (4-8-7) and the grow nutrients are (7-4-10).

What I do now is week 1 of flower start substituting the bloom for the grow nutrients while keeping the ppm constant (around 1200 feeding with every watering, roughly every 48 hours). By week 4 in flower, I will be 50/50 between grow and bloom nutrients, while the schedule says to be 100% bloom nutrients. The results are no deficiencies appearing in weeks 4-6. I continue to taper so by the end of week 6 I am 90% bloom and by week 7 100% bloom nutrients.

I am curious to know what other growers do compared to what the schedule says. I haven't seen this topic discussed before, but maybe I missed it. Thank you!
I give the plants general hydroponics maxibloom 5-15-14,5% nitrogen 15% phosphate ,14%potash, 5%calcium 3.5%magnesium..I give it nutrients every other day. It's supposed to have everything necessary. I use maxi grow during the veg cycle and everything is fine but that is 10-5-14. I also have foxfarm big bloom grow big and tiger bloom but I'm unsure what measurements to use for that. The ppm is around 700 every other day.
I just wanted to say thanks to those that answered. You all were right. I switched to my other nutrients and everything was fixed and the leaves got back a nice shine so it was the nitrogen. What I don't understand is even if I fed the plant a low dose ,I still fed it nutrients 5 days a week, The plant was fed great during the veg stage, how does the plant die that quick? How is the plant supposed to survive on its own if it just existedin the wildwithout all these nutrients? I had one plant straight up die middle of flowering process bc I couldn't figure out what was wrong.. is anyone familiar with those nutrients maxibloom? I also have Kool bloom that is 2Nit-45Phos-28Pot and the container says to usethe last 2 weeks of flowering(seems silly to have nutrients for just 2 weeks of flowering) the maxibloom is 5nit,15Phos,14Pot, the veg version is 10nit,5phos,14pot... does it even make sense to have less nitrogen during flowering stage compared to vegetation stage? I never used the Kool bloom though.

Now I give my plants fox farm grow big 6-4-4, big bloom organic 0 ,.5, .7, tiger bloom 2,8,4..I didn't realize I was supposed to add calcium mg,I have that too but I haven't used it.. I was giving it calcium b4 the switch so the plant hasn't been without it for long. I water my plant 1 1/2 gallons of water mixed with 15 ml big bloom, 10ml tiger ,10ml grow big. Let me know how much I should use of the cal MG if you are familiar with those nutrients. Using 1 1/2 gallons of water every day. Nutrients are given every other day alternating with reg water. Lmk if I should adjust anything.
The plant uses nitrogen at a faster rate during the stretch. This is a period of rapid growth during the first 3 weeks of flower. Switching to straight bloom nites at the beginning of flower robs the plant of the needed nitrogen after the stretch is triggered. Mixing 1/2 and 1/2 of veg and bloom nutes for the first 2-3 weeks is often recommended. Later flowering nutes are often high in phosphorus to promote bud density.

I don't use fox farms though.
Thanks, that was good detail.. the nutrients I was using was causing the plant to yellow even though I used it every other day.. when I switched brands everything got vibrant. It's weird even though the plant got some nitrogen, it still wasn't enough,idk how these plants would thrive in the wild. Ever since I switched I haven't had any problems but I will remember your tips for when I have to use it again.