
Indoor aero, first week of flower.

So there seems to be one or more problems with these leaves.

The first two are beginning and advanced stages of the same symptom. This happens on medium/old growth, close or far from the light.

The next three seem to affect more new growth.

The last is very old growth (looks like it's just naturally yellowing to die?)f.JPGb.JPGd.JPGc.JPGa.JPGe.JPG

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
How strong of levels are you feeding your plants right now?

Most of the pics look like straight up nutrient burn, and look like they could use a water only flush to get rid of excessive nutrient buildup

One pic looked like a magnesium defeciency, but if they are burnt from other nutes, you don't want to add anything else until the others are flushed out

If you answer my nute strength question and let me know exactly what you're using and how much you're mixing and that should help determine the exact problem and where you're going wrong


700 ppm - they are eating though. botanicare line, in recommended amounts.

And what's interesting is even though the leaves are getting worse, they are eating tons of ppm. Weird.


Active Member
Whats the ph and if its aero grow what is rez temp. I'm just guesing but with a high ph you will lock out magnesium (that's probably why Mazar i Shariff is thinking magnesium deficiency) That will also increase the intake of Ammonium. and that's not good. So what does this all mean. It means that you can have a over nute and a magnesium deficiency at the same time. So my guess is high PH and over nutes. Just my guess.

Good luck man

Hope you can fix it what ever it turns out to be.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
This is true, I wasn't thinking in terms of hydro as I am currently all soil, so I usually think more in those terms. For hydro, checking & making proper adjustments to your PH on a daily basis is VERY important, or you can experience frequent fluctuations that will lock out nutrients as gom mentioned, as well as create stress to your plants that over time could relate to seeds/hermies. For hydro you want to aim for 5.3-5.5 as an ideal PH range, with soil higher at 6.8-7.0

You may want to consider flushing your reservoir, mix your nutes in to a slightly lower PPM of 500-600, and make sure that PH is in check. To prevent any plant disease and kill of bad bacterias, you can also start dosing your reservoir with hydrogen peroxide.


Active Member
Sorry man but I have to disagree with that for hydro you should be at 5.6 to 6.0 with 5.8 the mean(perfect) on your ph

I grow all hydro and have always been shooting for 5.8 and, have always been told that is ideal. So if you have some info somewhere the contradicts that I would like to read it.

Not trying to sound like a dick but I know if you get down below 5.5 you will start locking out Calcium, magnesium and, Molybdenum. If I can find the chart I use online. I will post it here so you guys can have it.


Active Member
do u have circulation in the rooom and the leaves with the blotchs are they usually facing the wall or out to the open to me it kinda loooks like just ozone damage nothing that bad ur plants looooks old enough to have a full dose of nutreints so i couldnt see it being nut burn and nut burn starts from the tips of the lower leaves i belive or maybe just the tips


Active Member
i'm relatively sure you have the beginnings of a calcium deficiency. could be magnesium, but either way, if you use botanicare you should be adding more cal-mag or seaplex. i use coco, and DWC and i run my botanicare nutes 800-900 ppm and they still want more. it depends on your strain of course, but the photos don't look like nute burn. in my experience, nute burn will look like radically twisted or curled leaves... though no 2 burns are alike. my other concern is in one photo the leaf curved... could just be the plant's personality, but i'm suspicious it's a zinc deficiency. the cal-mag plus should have zinc in it, so that's where i would go first.


Active Member
*also i forgot to mention in a true aeroponic system, which is more like a fogger, the nutes should only be 1/3 strength. if this is an aero/nft system as is commonly sold as aero then you can actually safely take veg ppm as high as 1500, and i've used as high as 2400 in flowering for aero/nft.


i have the same problem spots like that started on the middle part of plant and worked its way to the top,so i feed with cal/mag plus and it seemed to clear things up for a few days also leaves started to yellow probly due to a lack of n and the plant is a heavy feeder,so i feed with half strength nutrients ff and it seemed to help but it all came back again i switched my light from mh to hps to flower and i foiler feed with cal/mag plus next morrning spots all over the new growth so the only thing i can figure is it was a ph lock out and it has a def,so i flushed with plain water at a ph of 6.8 and when i tested the run off it was like 5.8 to 5.9 to low for a soil grow maybe this will work i`am about to give up on it though,and after the flush i had a run off of 6.2 so alittle better i geuss.if anyone has any suggestions about this please let me know.