

Well-Known Member

So I'm going to be honest..

I really have nothing against you.
Like Honestly nothing..

Well I'm an alcoholic but not a drunk.

My body doesn't like pot or opiates to much these days.

So instead of getting high, I drink.

I love my booze..

So the last two years when I lived in Dallas. I started off clean. But I started selling to a couple trap houses. They had a steady supply of A+ cocaine. I use to sell crack about 8 years ago. Well when I quit smoking pot and quit drinking. I started cooking freebase, not crack but better. Same shit tho.. But yeah shit sucks.

Tbh I know my shit was sloppy in Dallas.. I will not argue with that. But it had a purpose. I didn't live in those houses.. I had three houses just for growing. But the whole purpose was production. Lol mixing 250 gallons for indoor definitely isn't personal.. I could have gave less than two shits about those properties..

I made my money, put it away. Saved enough to move to greeley. I think I did alright..

So this is the deal. The first couple of times we got into it. I think it might have been you calling me out about whatever..

Dia I am your regular ass guy.. I'm going to talk shit.. But we squashed that shit. But ee still we weary about each other,...

but we still got along!

So I started a dumbass thread about wanting to move to Philippines.. Lol you didn't even read that shit.. You just posted "your an idiot" . I was drunk and emotional. normally that wouldn't mean shit to me. But for some reason I woke up hung over and read that and it pissed me off..

Were you in the wrong? No!

But like I stated I expected you to be my friend, but I fucked up by expecting you to read 27 pages of utter nonsense to make that opinion. So all in all I fucked up.

But I really like my chic. I'm a 100% comfortable with the decisions I am making. Be proud for me, not against me.

But hey I screwed up by posting some dumb ass thread asking for advice from trollitup. I would have known better sober..

Call me what you will, but I believe in unity. I believe strongly in the community. I don't dislike anyone, Unless shtf circumstances.

In my opinion being gangsta is about being real.

If I said I hated you, I would be lying.

You kill it outside!

Me calling you about missing a watering and killing a crop, hell I don't know? But it was the only ammunition I had..
I seriously could care less..

My biggest failure was the year before last. When I went to rehab for alcohol and my power went out for 10 days.. I'm really surprised you didn't bump that. Because that really made me look bad.

So I've had some local IPA from (Welder works)? And a pint of whisky and 1 coors OG.. And two hits of GG4 on a full belly..
Lol my sobriety test..

Dia wtf I am really saying is sorry in some long drawn out bs..

You don't even have comment. I just wanted to let you know I am sorry for any comments that were degrading or disrespect toward your gender or anything that was overall disrespectful..

And tbh I don't care, even when I was upset about dumbshit I was trolling about 30% of the time the other 70% I blame on alcohol..

This was suppose to be a PM..

But I'll start a thread

I'm not saying your were right, but I was definitely wrong.
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And bro if youre really an alcoholic i strongly reccomend you start brewing your own ales man. I hardly drink now cause 1st my beer tastes too good so cant drink many 2ndly iu make em high abv so 2 beers and your buzzed, 3rdly i put a lot of hops so you feel kinda high! Drinking bought beer just makes me feel sick now anbd gives me a headache after a couple of them. Plus it takes a bit of work so you savour a save your beer. I hardly smoke bud cause it honestly hurts my soul to grind the flowers kinda same with beer.
Good luck man!
And bro if youre really an alcoholic i strongly reccomend you start brewing your own ales man. I hardly drink now cause 1st my beer tastes too good so cant drink many 2ndly iu make em high abv so 2 beers and your buzzed, 3rdly i put a lot of hops so you feel kinda high! Drinking bought beer just makes me feel sick now anbd gives me a headache after a couple of them. Plus it takes a bit of work so you savour a save your beer. I hardly smoke bud cause it honestly hurts my soul to grind the flowers kinda same with beer.
Good luck man!
I really want to start making mead amd growing my own fungus..

Yes I drink to much tho
I really want to start making mead amd growing my own fungus..

Yes I drink to much tho

Trust with homebrew you just wont be able to, i dont care how fat you think you are.
Growing mushrooms is easy and cheap as fuck to start. I wa growing pounds of cubensis before then did some oysters. You can literally supply a the neighbours on your street with a little greenhouse full of oyster mushrooms in a corner of your mum room. Cubensis are easy as fuck to grow and you can be tripping balls within 90 days of inoculation if you do shit right.
OK dude...here goes (wait..Im so afraid UB3 will fix my grammar)..
I was a bit ruff on ya that day, I admit..but Ive seen these situations fail more then end well. And I was generally concerned about your well being.
The 250gal dirt mix thread put a bad taste in my mouth last year and is why you have had that tension from me and vice versa. I tried to stay away from your grow threads from then on out.
I wasnt really looking for ammo to use on you, if I wanted to use any Id use my primary weapon, I would have posted up pics of my grow;) but i didnt go there...
I dont hate you, IM just disappointed in some of the decisions you make and post about them. I think you are a decent fellow and this thread proves it...you extended your hand and I will except.
anything else we need to clear up before moving forward?
Alcohol is bad for you man. Two or 3 craft beers a day does me fine. Weed won't destroy your body.
I posted this earlier, but I buy 1 pint of whisky and 2-24oz coors original. I split the pint with my sister in law. I think a pint is like 10 shots maybe..

So 5 shots and 48 ounces of beer. I'm completely comfortable with that.. Before I went to rehab I was drinking a 5th to myself everyday.

Here in Colorado any more than that I get a nasty hang over because of the altitude.

I use to smoke pot like crazy, now I go days maybe even weeks sometimes with out pot. I'm pretty sure I'll slowly phase out drinking too..

But I'm young and a bartender.. This is my life style..

I'm just glad I don't do heroin
OK dude...here goes (wait..I'm so afraid UB3 will fix my grammar)..
I was a bit rough on ya that day, I admit..but I've seen these situations fail more than end well. And I was generally concerned about your well being.
The 250gal dirt mix thread put a bad taste in my mouth last year and is why you have had that tension from me and vice versa. I tried to stay away from your grow threads from then on out.
  • I wasn't really looking for ammo to use on you, if I wanted to use any I'd use my primary weapon, I would have posted up pics of my grow;) but i didn't go there...
I don't hate you, I'm just disappointed in some of the decisions you make and post about them. I think you are a decent fellow and this thread proves it...you extended your hand and I will accept.
Anything else we need to clear up before moving forward?

Hey Dia. UB3 is off tonight, so I'm taking the midnight shift. You only had a few grammatical errors, but a lot of missing punctuation (all in red above). All in all, you receive an A for the post's content, and a C+ because of the errors. We'll just call it a B ;)