DGD- Coco & Hydro-Mutli strain grow 2013--SSH/CHEESE/GSOGxKD/SAGExLMX and more

Couldn't tell you about the timing of the pumps. Never done flood and drain type deal. Is that coco the plants are in? It's crazy when peeps are mad for you being responsible/ intelligent. Just because they can't think ahead...

And I got a collection of cheap air pumps that don't work. Not sure why I keep them around.

Greendreairlines sounds like my kinda establishment. Will have to pick up a first class ticket ASAP.

When you do that Spartan Race? I did one last year, or the year before, not sure. It was fun! Didn't realize they were in the UK. You have fun?

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Safe jig .. you got a first class seat booked :eyesmoke: ...

Yeah man , the spartan race was something else .. i had about 3months training for it , plus i had just given up all gluten/sugar/and dairy so was that little bit harder for me.. I did it with a mate in sept i did the spartan sprint ,im just glad it was a sunny day cause the mud would of made them hill climbs even worse.. Loved it though defo going back next year to try and get in the top 30 - 50 this time.. I got loads of pics but im not on my laptop.. and they need editing .. the fire jump pic looks like a movie shot.. plus i skipped through them gladitors like nothing.. i'll post a few pics when i can..

Put it on your checklist if you aint done it all ready people..
I was training for a few months... but not nearly hard enough. I thought it would be cake, throw a spear, jump over a wall. I was wiped out at the end. The challenges weren't too tough, but my cardio was shit. We did it in the steepest hills I've ever been too. I don't think my friends were super happy with how slow I was. I whooped them on the crawl though. It was real muddy and steep hills where I was and everyone was rolling the whole way. I actually crawled... is why I'm not as muddy as the other two. Not sure I'll do it again... it was hard work.

If you got anywhere near the top 50 i'd be more than impressed. And anyone that can win the supers is insane.
I think a few people thought that ,i went pass quite a few early chippers .. i could of been quicker though had to keep the team together.
Saying all that i was just glad to finish this one still but now i know what to expect i think its possible..
Need a riu team.. bongsmilie
bongsmiliefirst and i don't think we'll be in the top 100 .. might not even finish :lol: .. them hills after a bong..gonna be a lot of this going on:spew:
Anymore takers ..team green :leaf:
I'm game. I'll start running now. Should be in shape by the time we do it. :) Would be a blast to try one across the pond. See how you all stack up.

Heres the some of the surviving seeds some died off already.. The only thing i changed was there position as they were normally in the bottom of the cupboard and brought them up to a shelf at eye level , i can only think the extra heat must of been the reason for this because of there now being a light below the tray and above it.. The cuts in there with them are doing fine ?

Got tap roots on 10/10 cheese chunks.. 9/10 lemon cola.. 7/16 ET .. pre 98 bubba x afghani 3/4 (slight) ...
All seeds were put in at the same stage and were not scuffed this time..

I've smoked the Et many times just aint grew it before but i some of these have been grown out by another fine farmer on here on got a pheno that was real special.. so im on the look out for that or similar plus it threw nanners out in flower so im going to have to watch these..

I've been looking at these lights in a tent and wondering if they'd be better off being vertical? The screws can be placed on each side so it can be hung vertically . Im looking at others vert setups at this present time..



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The way those fasters seem to set up looks likeif they came a little loose, hanging vertically, they could possibility slide right out as the ballast comes crashing down on everything below it. Thats just from what I think I see from here though,,, Im sure they could be managed though! I like keeping the ballasts outside of the room because of the heat they can generate, some more than others.
You know i never thought of that , even tough there screwed on with a spanner knowing my luck thats what would happen.I'm think gaffa/duck tape or even cables ties around it might help,just so it can't slip.. The ballast are cool to touch but not sure how it would affect the gaffa tape if it was wrapped around it. Might have to think of something else.. thanks for pointing that out
I hear you on the the ballasts, i would never have them in a tent if they weren't connected.

I found this on another thread though it shows how to disconnect the ballasts.. thanks to dLT

Remove the E40 bulb fitting and add extra cable... Simple as. Although you will need to lose the current reflector OR you can keep it, but its more work... I'll explain later.

So now I can put the ballast away from my grow room instead of hanging the whole thing above the plants... A good idea when water is around.

Keep in mind, I'm not a qualified electrician here... I just know the basics and have completed a few electrical tasks... Please DO NOT try this if your NOT 100% confident you can carry out the task, although its pretty straight forward... I hope this helps peeps.

OK here we go!

Parts Needed:

240V 16 Amp 3 Pin Coupler TLC LINK
240V 16 Amp 3 Pin Plug TLC LINK
3 Metres 1.5MM 3 Core TLC LINK

Optional: Cable Gland (for ballast plate). However you will need to drill a hole. I have not used a gland right now, because I haven't got a drill (broke
) TLC link (Cable gland)

A Normal E40 Fitting.
The current E40 Fitting is the 'screw inside awkward type' which also requires crimps to attach the wires... I could not be arsed with the crimps or use the old E40 and reflector. I'm taking the option to use a normal E40 fitting with a normal reflector



Un-Screw the 4 corner screws on the outer casing...



Remove the E40 Lamp Holder



Pull wires through plastic. Will need to bend the climps to fit through the hole...




1.Cut off Crimps / 2.Strip cable for wiring.




Add a Choc-Bloc to the Black and White wirez!


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Posted 08 December 2006 - 10:58 PM

Cut a bit of 2-core (reccomended) or just remove the earth like I have.


Attach your new bit of wire to the choc-bloc like so...

Black = Live
White = Neutral

Connect Black to Brown.
Connect White to Blue


Gently place the choc-block inside the casing


Thread wire through plate, do not forget the rubber seal!

(You should really add a Cable Gland at this point. (I'm sorry for no pics at this time, I did not add one myself).

But you will need to drill a bigger hole to hold a gland in place on the plate. I will be definatly adding one myself when my drill arrives and I suggest you do the same)... (I'm not using the light at the moment aswell).

Now add 2 screws opposite each other, just to hold it in place for now.


Now we add the Coupler. (it will twist apart into 2 pieces)

So we thread the back half of the Coupler through the cable like so:

And then we connect the Live & Neutral wires to the 2nd part of the Coupler.

Making sure its held nice and tight in place.

Now re-unite the 2 halfs. I'm sure you can fiquire this out




Optional; but Highly Recomended at this point: Get the skins out! Because the main part is complete!



Wiring the plug' for the Coupler connection. This time we add an Earth (thanks ot1 for the advice)

So, Wire her up:


Connect the other end to your E40 fitting and reflector. Make sure the earth wire is screwed onto your reflector plate or e40.

And That's It !!!


(would appear brighter in the pic, however it was captured during immediate warmup, why? well I have blinds

Hope this helps
Simple enough :-) will cost some but gives you some wiggle room.

There are links in blue to a site that sells then products.. i added it up its under £50 for all four lights ..
edit: thats without changing the the E40sockets. i couldn't find them for some reason..
[TABLE="align: center"]
[TABLE="class: order-products"]
[TH]Order Code[/TH]
[TD]20mm Nylon Compression Gland Black for Cable 8-13mm[/TD]
[TD]£0.50 ea.[/TD]
[TD]1.5mm 3 Core Arctic Flex Blue 100M[/TD]
[TD]£0.88 per metre[/TD]
[TD]240v 16 Amp 3 Pin Plug - Blue[/TD]
[TD]£1.99 ea.[/TD]
[TD]240v 16 Amp 3 Pin Coupler - Blue[/TD]
[TD]£2.65 ea.[/TD]
[TD]The Latest TLC Catalogue September / October - Issue 336[/TD]
[TD]£0.00 ea.[/TD]
[TD]1-2 Working Days[/TD]
[TD]Carriage £[/TD]
[TD]FREE delivery for orders over £150[/TD]
[TD]SubTotal £[/TD]
[TD](excl. Carriage & VAT, Max weight 25Kg)[/TD]
[TD]VAT £[/TD]
[TD]You save £ 58.23 (63%) on Normal Trade Prices![/TD]
[TD]Total £[/TD]

It does give extra space that might be neededand i could make the leads as long as i want really plus it would suit a vert setup better than it is now..
gives me some thing to think about..

I hope 100m is enough cable. FFS... you wiring for england? That looks a real nice tutorial. Nice and clean work.
I hope 100m is enough cable. FFS... you wiring for england? That looks a real nice tutorial. Nice and clean work.

Just noticed that myself jig , i think thats just how its labelled you know as i only put down for 16 and the price matches up to 16m .
Yeah i the guy did good with this.. I found it on uk420 .. guys name is DLT..

Seed update:
last load are doing great ,all have been put in jiffys now expect for the bodhi pre 98 x afghani as no tap roots came out there still in the tissue but im not expecting anything. The Ethiopian S3eds have roots on a few of them already .. 8/10 cheese chunk (i think i planted 2 too deep)..9/10 lemon cola ..7/16 Ethiopian.. are standing now

Got the auto top today but left my drill and bits , i swear i could of built this myself with a cheap float or even a toliet one.. anyway going to have this setup tomorrow which will make things run just that bit easier . Added stakes and saucers to all plants ,#11 #10 are growing real tall , these will be topped next time round .

cant upload pics right now so i'll get on tomorrow with some pics..

What's up with the Ehtiopean? Any info on it... or did you already post info on it and I missed.

These are some Ethiopian high grade seeds , gifted to me by a family friend who travels back and forth . Its a high grade land-race strain , i've never grown it out but have smoked it many times and its best African weed i've tasted its right up there with some of the best Jamaican weed.

A friend of mine on here did grow some .. said one pheno was visually trippy in oil form..rainbows across the sky trippy.
Hoping for some thing similar or better..
bongsmilieIts does ,smokes even better.. yep ..its funny how friendships start and even funnier how they end.. I don't keep many ..
I hear dat bongsmilie
Sounds awesome, Iv had some pretty trippy edibles... Im not smoking enough hash's oil's ect,,, need to get on that lol
Update 2wks flower

Plants are doing ok but i seem to have a problem with some of the drippers since i've moved them about i going to change around drippers and block some of the holes ,going to add a 4way t piece so i can get rid of the extra piece i had to build cause i only had a 3 way at the time. Hopefully that will sort it out . I fitted the auto top up kit to the rez today so the 100 ltr now tops up the 90ltr res .

Plants are growing nicely #10 #11 sg x lmc have had there tops tied to the stakes to try and mange some of the hieght . Topping is a must on these or lst'd from the earliest stage .. #4.0 & #3 are at the hieght i'd want and those were topped . Iadded some gnat off growstones to nearly all the pots and put up some strips too.


Took some pics of the tent with the possible vert setup ,just trying to figure out postion of plants and access to them . That black net was bought to go flat but i think it could work in the vertical postion to the holes are a bit big though ,i;ve got some green mesh too but i might just get another black .Lights are secured with green wire and tape ,i put some mesh around the bulb to see how it would be ,i'll cut it properly tomorrow and get anothe piece for the other. If this tent had double entrances it would be sorted but getting around the plants might be tricky and i think might need to make this side reculating or a top up system. I have enough parts i think .. Going have to get a few more clip fans and a fan to go under the vert lights.

Any comments from you vert growers on the scrogging or anything ?

Plants in the hydro are coming on i started to lst those tall phenos already.. I'll more than likely be using this on the vert side ..