DeweyKox's attack of the clones

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
yea i know its been off but things are on the up and up im plannin for a 9 plant sog geting supplies and saving up im gonna check out attitude and get back to ya and let you know what im gittin but ill check out ur outher thread 2


Well-Known Member
Yea they do, especially on here. Grape kool aid in there watering and shit....

I once thought it would be beneficial to my plants to make a tea out of my Shit, I don't know why it did not work well....


Well-Known Member
I made weed tea quite a few times with about an eigth of weed each time, and wow I loved it. Haha.


Well-Known Member
Yea they do, especially on here. Grape kool aid in there watering and shit....

I once thought it would be beneficial to my plants to make a tea out of my Shit, I don't know why it did not work well....
That is because water will not make THC stick to it, but Fat will. Might have to make a buttery/tea. THC will bind with fat, but its not water soluble from what I have read on here.


Well-Known Member
USE MILK! milk is fatty, and it disolves the thc right out, i have tested this, and it does work, works every time like a charm. i should post a DIY on how to make weed tea, but i dont wanna waste an 8th right now showin how to make it. haha. im short on money. >< but the milk really gets the thc out, and it'll get you so damn stoned, as for your plants, idk how it works. but if you drink weed tea, then drink a lot of water, or use eye drops, your eyes get bloodshot like fuck. hahah


Well-Known Member
LOL, I was actually talking about a nutritional tea to feed my weed with, not tea to get me loady. LOL, but I think I like the idea of using milk fat to retain the THC. Maybe I will give that a go, as far as extracting nutrient out of my own shit to feed my weed, I would not recomend it I'll Stick to Bat shit from now on.....


Well-Known Member
LOL, I was actually talking about a nutritional tea to feed my weed with, not tea to get me loady. LOL, but I think I like the idea of using milk fat to retain the THC. Maybe I will give that a go, as far as extracting nutrient out of my own shit to feed my weed, I would not recomend it I'll Stick to Bat shit from now on.....
I knew you were. Hahaha. I got off topic somewhat. I don't think THC in a tea for your plants would do anything honestly, smoke the bud and get more creative instead. ;) Haha.


Well-Known Member
Well jump on in this convo. Dont mean to hi-jack. :) Check out my new journal. Link in sig - I think :D


Well-Known Member
11 hours of darkness so far!!!! Chopping on monday night.....keep checking back in, will have pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait. In the mean time, if your bored you can check out my first grow. :) It's in the sig. Can't wait to see your harvest pics. I have heard of people doing 24 hours of dark between veg and flower, and of 24 hours before chop, but would you mind telling me what the plant benefits from having 24 hours of darkness before the chop?


Well-Known Member
Not really sure, Just see a majority of people on here yapping about it and how it can bring out more thc, and slow the dry process down and what not. I do know that light after the buds are harvested degrades the THC. But don't quote me, I could be wrong and still fairly new to this.


Well-Known Member
Ya. Also its probably a last minute thing if you did this, but have heard numerous places saying if you drill the stem at the bottom with a drill, then stick a stick inside of it, in the morning it will have surrounded the stick to the point where you can't pull it out, and it will force resin to the buds. It couldn't hurt to try it, right?


Well-Known Member
I kind of felt like waiting till Week 10, but would rather not have so much of the Couch Lock, and my next batch will be more of a sativa anyways, so I chopped them.....

What ya think? How much all said and done, Lucky one wins a prize.....:lol:

P.S. By the way, there are 2 lines hanging in the pic. One in front of another. So 2 rowe's full on the drying process......



Well-Known Member
I say over 7 ounces. But that's just me and never used a scale. But Ive got one recently for this harvest.


Well-Known Member
Haha woo hoo. Well I would have said more, but after DWR harvested it was 15 ounces wet, and I said its gonna be 8 ounces dry, and it turned out being 2! so I'm going to underguess this one, just because doesn't look like you have any humongous ounce colas or anything. haha. (No offense intended, the bud still looks amazing as is.)