Dewey Mister Aeroponic Buckets? Anyone use these misters?


Well-Known Member
I have some buckets left over from dwc and was looking to try out some aeroponics. These little guys look like they could do the trick? I was thinking using a float valve in a controller bucket to maintain a water level just high enough for the intake hole on the mister. is their site.

Any experiences?



New Member
That makes sense. I just looked into these myself and was thinking about getting some. I like the fact that with DWC you can use marginally less water and essentially less nutrients. Also, the fact that they shouldn't clog like a regular mister. Think I'm going to get some soon. I think the only place to get them online is at . That's what it said on the DM website at least. Let me know how it goes.
I just checked out the website and videos, and I would really like to know if these could be used to grow full size plants. The reason being that my current Aeroponic system uses a submersible water pump, which keeps my water temps from 75-80 degrees.

One of the 2 females in the system is showing early signs of pythium. The roots are turning brown in one or two sections of the root system but are not yet slimy or mushy. I trimmed off the darker parts during my last reservoir change.

I change my reservoirs once a week and I put 35% H2O2 in the reservoirs every other day at 5ml/gallon. I also have 2 airstones in the bottom of the reservoir to keep the water overly aerated, but it seems all of this cannot prevent root rot. These little gadgets (Dewey Misters) could be a solution to my heat problem.

Ponicengineer, if you use these I would really enjoy your feedback. My ladies have about 6 weeks to go before maturity and I would hate to lose even one to root rot.
Well guys I broke down and ordered 2 Dewey Misters, one for each of the 2 plants in my aeroponic system. As previously noted, my res temps are way in the danger zone and I have about 6 to 6.5 weeks to go. I already know my res temps will drop because the water pumps are creating the heat; nonetheless, I will report back as to how well they function. Thanks again Ponicengineer. If it were not for this post I would've never come across these little gadgets.


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to your results! Their youtube channel has several videos of their tomato garden running in buckets.


Check out Dutch Master Zone. It keeps shit from growing in your buckets. I always recommend it for dwc or similar.
I will be installing them tonight. I will report back after a day or 2. I can say that my root rot problem is damn near gone from the Botanicare additive I used. I was shocked.

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So far so good with the Misters. The only change I had to make was a reduction in res water. I had to drop a gallon so the entire Mister wasn't under water. My reservoir temps have dropped about 5-7 degrees, and my roots are looking awesome. I will post root pics next week as I am headed to the lovely free state of Colorado for the weekend.

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