Determining Week of Flower


Well-Known Member

This is my first grow and first post here. I am growing a bag seed from a friend’s homegrown that stated it was blue cheese, not sure if he was correct but its smells of parm cheese and fuel with very lite sweet undertones. I believe I am in wk 6 of flowering but since it’s my first grow and I was away in the mid Aug, I’m not quite sure if my count is correct. Can anyone take a look at the picture and let me know what week they think? Also, if you would mind giving me your honest opinion how they look. Also note that I have less that 10% of hairs changing color. Thanks in advance. 73A07BD7-E70D-4F2B-893A-0531158D7C08.jpegF4EED7DC-FBDE-41B6-AB9B-4C38C59797AF.jpeg75B5876F-783B-45BC-A5C1-AD7300AEC7EF.jpeg057DE6BC-8B34-4C49-83D0-0F531EC8097B.jpeg
I think you are right on the money! Mine started flower Aug 14 and appear the same as yours maybe a bit ahead of yours!
Im not playing with the weather anymore. It’s been a pain in the ass moving them all around. I’ll prob take em late this up coming week before the next stretch of bad weather
Actually we had rain yesterday, quite a bit along with wind! I have a cover over em and I have had no mold, rot or bud worm rot! So far so good! They still have some swelling to finish up right and actually Oct 14 will be day 61...Tho I don't go by day count but more by trichs and overall ripeness look of the flowers...
