determine the sex by genetics


New Member
i am willing to test his methods. :)
Ill second that myself now. Just for future reference though as this year Im force flowering my plants a bit just to sex some of them.:neutral:
Wish You would have posted this thread quite some time ago mate.:mrgreen:


Active Member
But as I said I'd be happy to do some for your for passing along the word for me. I'm gonna hit some hydro stores but man the gas just to drive to the valley is killing me. Thanks again for your input fdd. Hope to hear from you soon.


Active Member
you know what u should do man. you should set up a small scale kit for like $30.00 that will allow people like us to test on our own. that would solve everyones problems. no one has to send anything illegal. and u make your extra few bucks.

idk thats my 2 cents

~smokes up~


Active Member
It requires the isolating of the DNA and then dissolving it in the right volume of buffer to achieve a good working concentration(I do this by eye). You then have to set up a Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) with all the proper concentrations of reagents and a stable Taq polymerase. You then need to place the samples in a thermocycler to amplify the male marker to a level where it is visible by eye when you run it on an agarose gel. As I said I have all the raw materials and the equipment here at my house. I have been doing side experiments on plants for sometime so I have acquired the equipment for my personal use.

So its not something I can send a kit to everyone and they can do it themselves...if only it were so easy.


Well-Known Member
What about my suggestion of identifying true females still in seed?

You could sell a TRUE female seed for like $10 a piece or more.


Well-Known Member
Fuck you if your going to keep the method all to yourself. If people didn't spread knowledge by sharing it you wouldn't know a damn thing about nothing. How is it your smart enough to do such work, but your too stupid to realize you'd get into trouble with the police by making money off this shit. I hope the feds knock on your door.


Active Member
Hey chill the fuck out. I'm not keeping shit to myself. I sure as hell didn't patent any of this stuff. If I did I wouldn't be here peddling my service. Take a course in plant biochemistry of plant molecular biology and you will learn to do this too. A little bit of time researching scientific journals and you'll find all the information I did. I'm happy to send people my extraction buffer for free. Very cheap to make if you have the ingredients. Not everyone has access to them, remember I work as a scientist so I have access to all of this stuff. Now finally get yourself a centrifuge to isolate the dna and a thermocycler to amplify the male marker and gel electrophoresis apparatus and away you go.

Hey my son asked me, "Dad there must be something you can do that a lot of other people can't." I thought about it and this is definitely one of them. Happy to teach anyone that wants to know but again that doesn't give you access to the equipement and raw material you need.


Active Member
Fuck you if your going to keep the method all to yourself. If people didn't spread knowledge by sharing it you wouldn't know a damn thing about nothing. How is it your smart enough to do such work, but your too stupid to realize you'd get into trouble with the police by making money off this shit. I hope the feds knock on your door.

Lol you can learn just as well as he did. People always want something for nothing :joint:


Active Member
As for determining F in seeds. Not sure it would work. I think I may try it but its not clear to me that the seed coat would have the same genetic background as the embryo inside. Even if it does, isolating DNA from the very very strong ectoderm of the seed would certainly be a challenge. Of course opening the seed and screening the ebryo would be possible but what is the point of sacraficing the embryo?


Well-Known Member
Hey chill the fuck out. I'm not keeping shit to myself. I sure as hell didn't patent any of this stuff. If I did I wouldn't be here peddling my service. Take a course in plant biochemistry of plant molecular biology and you will learn to do this too. A little bit of time researching scientific journals and you'll find all the information I did. I'm happy to send people my extraction buffer for free. Very cheap to make if you have the ingredients. Not everyone has access to them, remember I work as a scientist so I have access to all of this stuff. Now finally get yourself a centrifuge to isolate the dna and a thermocycler to amplify the male marker and gel electrophoresis apparatus and away you go.
WHAT? You mean that's ALL there is to it? Jesus, man, why didn't somebody tell all us stoners before??? :rolleyes: :lol: ;)

You run across this shit in the reefkeeping circles, too. People get their panties in a bunch because someone has figured out how to breed something, or keep a difficult specimen, but also see that there's a commercial promise in their new technique. Then you get the people who scream about the pretty seahorses and "If *I* knew how to do (something special) I would share so that everyone could enjoy the benefits for free!"


Knowledge comes at a cost, at the VERY least that knowledge comes over time. And time is the one commodity no one can ever get back. I bought my knowledge through time (research takes a hell of a lot of time, as does getting that edumacation), and if you expect me to just hand out all my knowledge for free, well, honey, you've got another thing coming. I get to pick and choose what I'm going to share, and you should be allowed the same.
Hey my son asked me, "Dad there must be something you can do that a lot of other people can't." I thought about it and this is definitely one of them. Happy to teach anyone that wants to know but again that doesn't give you access to the equipement and raw material you need.
No one has ANY idea what something like a decent 'fuge would cost, let alone other lab equipment. A while ago I used to have a scientific supply catalog, the thing was as thick as my arm, and even from 15 years ago, stuff was expensive..!

Thusly, why I was incredulous as to the price you are considering for each test. ;)


Active Member
First off!!!! Why is it that everyone always have to turn forums into flame zones. master i think that is totally awesome. if i wasn't just doing this for fun i would defiantly send you some clippings and have you work your magic for me. But i still think the best way to go about making money off your project is designing some kinda take home kit for us to use.


Active Member
Ahh... the equipment. Nice story there. I work for a large biotech company. They have a warehouse of old equipment, when we buy the next and best greatest one. The old ones are put up for "adoption". Once a year they have local high schools come and have their pick. So I just went and adopted some of the equipment. One of the advatages to working for a drug company. Not super proud of that fact.


Well-Known Member
No Ima Colorado Patient, but we have some moms or dads just starting thier veg, and I sure wouldnt mind saving some time...

Think we can do just one to begin with?

I dont need any buffer just PM me on where to send you a leaf sample too, oh and $10.

and Ill have it off as A trial RUN for all of RIU.... if this works out you may have a business on your hands.

BTW I would like for you to post some pictures of your equipment, specifically the centrifuge and the other thing you mentioned with a piece of paper with your name on it, to confirm your not just gonna take peoples money and GUESS what the sex of the plant is.

I think that is reasonable...


Well-Known Member
Do keep in mind that this could potentially be considered drug trafficing.. It's obviously not bud, but for everyone's sake, sending ANY amount or part of an illegal substance through the mail is VERY much illegal. Is something going to go wrong in transit? Probably not, but for the gene guy, keep this in mind. Also, obviously growing is illegal on a federal level anyways, but I'm just saying.