Detailed description of potential room and process, need review: 10x12 room with additional 2x5 closet (12x12 area in total) and 5x8 bathroom

As listed I have:
a 10x12 room (12x12 with closet)
a 2x5 closet
a 5x8 bathroom

My plan:
10x12 room:
4x8 flower tent along 10ft wall, leaving 2 ft to get in closet. 2x HLG 550 R specs
5x5 veg tent across from 4x8, leaving 3 feet between them along 12 ft wall. 1x HLG 300 B spec
OPTIONAL: 4x4 flower tent next to veg tent. 1x HLG 550 R spec
The closet:
T5 shelves and domes for seedlings and clones
The bathroom:
Drying room
Pop 20 seeds, 2 weeks in closet then moved to 5x5 veg for 50-60 days.
Cut clones @ 30 days - root and move to 4x4 flower tent where they veg and flower under 550 R spec.
Cut clones @ 55-60 days.
Move plants in 5x5 to 4x8 flower. Move clones to 5x5 veg.
Flower 56-63 days. Veg 50-60 days.
Harvest original seeds, move 5x5 veg to 4x8 flower. Populate 5x5 again. 4x4 flower should be ready for switch around same time.
Then pretty much keep it going from here.
8-9 weeks later I harvest a 4x4 and 4x8, 8-9 weeks later harvest a 4x8, 8-9 weeks later harvest a 4x4 and 4x8 again.
4 harvests a year
2x 32 sqft. harvest (4x8 tent) 960W HLG LED = 1gram per watt = 4 unit low end
2x 48sq ft. harvest (4x4 + 4x8 tents) 1440W HLG LED = 1gram per watt = 6 unit low end
= 10 units a year worst case. I'd imagine I can push out more than 1g per watt but I like to imagine the worst case scenario so that anything extra is a bonus.
My questions:
1 - Will the 5x5 veg tent allow me to fit enough plants and/or produce plants big enough to utilize the 4x8 flower tent?
2 - Relates to question #1. Should I base my final pot size for the plants going to the 4x8 based on how many females/keepers I get to make sure I'm filling out the space or should I have a target # of plants ahead of time?
3 - Can I use this space more efficiently than what I've proposed?
4 - Should I grab all R spec HLGs and just run the the tents as full cycle tents?
I'm going to pop 20 seeds for the 4x8 tent, after sexing (let's say I get 10 females), I wanted to jump from a 1-2 gallon pot to a 5-7 or even 10 gallon pot, and let them grow into it before flowering is that reasonable? If I get more females then I'll run smaller pots but just want to make sure that's ok so that I know I'm utilizing the 4x8 fully.
4x8 flower room and 5x5'veg room? If i have that right, i would think your veg space is bigger than you need.

1 gram per watt worst case? traditional 1000w HID that would be over 2lbs/light 1 gram per watt easy with LEDs?
You do not need 25 sq’ veg for 32 sq’ of flower. I would run a 4x8 & 5x5 for flower and a 4x4 for veg. I would run the flower tents staggered to harvest every 4-5 weeks. Less to trim at once and will allow a smaller veg space since the vegging plants will be at different stages.

I would pop more than 20 seeds and veg for a shorter period. If you are assuming a 50:50 M/F ratio then 10 plants is not very many for ~50 sq’ of flowering space. I prefer running more plants in smaller pots for quicker cycles.

I run coco because it is hard to beat for the growth rate and ease of use. Anything over 3 gallons is overkill IMO if you are using coco. Veg them in the 4x4 tent in 1 gallons, transplant into 3 gallons when you move them into the 4x8 & 5x5 tents and let them veg for one more week before flipping.
You do not need 25 sq’ veg for 32 sq’ of flower. I would run a 4x8 & 5x5 for flower and a 4x4 for veg. I would run the flower tents staggered to harvest every 4-5 weeks. Less to trim at once and will allow a smaller veg space since the vegging plants will be at different stages.

I would pop more than 20 seeds and veg for a shorter period. If you are assuming a 50:50 M/F ratio then 10 plants is not very many for ~50 sq’ of flowering space. I prefer running more plants in smaller pots for quicker cycles.

I run coco because it is hard to beat for the growth rate and ease of use. Anything over 3 gallons is overkill IMO if you are using coco. Veg them in the 4x4 tent in 1 gallons, transplant into 3 gallons when you move them into the 4x8 & 5x5 tents and let them veg for one more week before flipping.
Thanks for the response. So more like a 5-6 week veg or 4-5? I like the sound of either better
Thanks for the response. So more like a 5-6 week veg or 4-5? I like the sound of either better
Seedlings start off a bit slower but for clones I would put them in a 16oz solo cup for 1.5 weeks and top them, then into 1 gallons for ~2 weeks and LST them, then into 3 gallons when you move them into the flower tents and start weaving through a SCROG screen and flip after 1.5 weeks.
Seedlings start off a bit slower but for clones I would put them in a 16oz solo cup for 1.5 weeks and top them, then into 1 gallons for ~2 weeks and LST them, then into 3 gallons when you move them into the flower tents and start weaving through a SCROG screen and flip after 1.5 weeks.

Thanks man this is the exact info I came for. Just for clarification when I move them into 3 gallons in the flower tent I'm going to let them veg another 1.5 weeks then switch to flower?