Despret 4 help

can any 1 tell plz tell me what this is? and what kind of plant it is. i found a seed on a bag of weed i got, i planted it it grew into a really small flower as u can see. the leafs are really small and i aslo have this small brown coverd in thc looking ball. its on the side of the stem. the plant also has small red hairs. I REALLY NEED 2 KNOW IF ITS A MALE PLANT i have 5 chissel female's and im really scared it ruin my babies. PLZ HELP ME SOME1
we need pics. if you know what a female plant looks like how can you not know if another one is male or not? lol

i know the others are female becouse i bought female seeds. its just that im so confused because ive never seen brown looking balls coverd in THC.


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those pics are too blurry, sounds to me like you got a hermie or male somewhere nearby (or it or one of your female plants that actually is the hermie)and it got pollinated
it couldnt of gotten polonated because da others are female. its just started 2grow the brown balls coverd in THC. ill trie my best to take new pics so u can c better.
OK heres the pics as promised. PLZ PLZ CAN ANY 1 HELP ME. the plant is a mery j coz of the smell it gives. its about 4 inches long. really small leaves. :leaf::?: does any 1 know what it could be coz im so lost:wall:


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If you're worried about your unknown seed pollinating your feminized plants then why not just get rid of it and not have to worry about it.
I dont really see what you mean, its got pistils so its not a male, that much is for certain. I cant see the balls clearly though, i just see the bud leaves covered in thc. it does look like the pistils have all died and receded though, which might be a sign it got pollinated. my guess is its a hermie, kill it. how old are your females?
yh u guys are right it was a hermie (fucking tranny) anyways ive dug her out and smoked her lol my females are nearly 3 weeks old. their getting big and beautifull.
im using LED's and fluorescent lights. has any1 ever used this method is so how was it 4 you?
well to be honest i aint got a CLUE the flourecent light are about 25 or 30 all i know is i have the highest output u can get on a flourecent light. Ive also bought the red & blue LED's. im using CD's on the pots so they can reflect the light upwards + CD's reflect the red & blue spectrum. Everything seems to be working perfect my babies are in their 3rd week stage (not flowering yet) and they look really healthy. they are also starting to give smell not strong but it does smell abit. does any 1 know how to get rid of the smell? i live in a small block of flats and i cant afford 4 ppl 2 start smelling weed. ppl plz tell me wat u think all advice is welcomed.


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let me correct my friends mistakes, we r growin 5 female chiesel plants not (chissel) were usein a 2ft 18watt flursecent light, also usein a 225 LED red n blue hydroponic growboard, LED QTY: 225pcs, blue (60)/red(165)= 225 total, blue light wavelength: 460-465nm, red light wavelength: 650-655nm, 14 watts plus 2 x 60watt energy saving stick bulb, we keep the room temp at 25 so its nice an warm, so far everyfinks lookin good apart from the smell were gettin from such small plants, we need 2 know the best plant food 4 it that we can buy in the UK coz i aint fuckin payin double the price 4 it 2 cum from another country, money dont grow on trees unless u sell them lol
they probally sell fox farm in the uk. as for the size, its probally cuz the lights are too far away, you should have the lights an inch or less away, as close as possible w/o burning your babies. if a carbon filter is not an option look into ona gel.
nar they dont sell fox farm here, i ordered Chempak Formula 3 Fully Balanced Plant Food yesterday, its N:P:K 20-20-20 hopefuly that will do the trick until flowering, the lights r about 1inch away from the plant already
i noticed that after i posted(that you had lowered the lights), i think you should put the leds over the tops of the plants, that flouro tube aint gonna cut it. now that i know what lighting you have it looks about right size wise. I'm used to high power grows, my bad. the 20-20-20 should be fine till flower, have you ffound a flowering nutrient yet?