Desperately Need Help! Pics Inside


Active Member
This is my first time growing cannabis.

My 2 plants sprouted a week ago and I am very concerned with their lack of growth. They also point upwards a lot of the time, one of them to quite a severe degree.

My conditions are not bad, but I am clearing doing something wrong.

Temps: 25-30C
Humidity: 30-80%
Light: 250w HPS
Soil: Canna Terra Pro Plus
Ventilation: TD160 extractor fan

Using a mini-fogger for also gives the little seedlings a slight sprinkling of water 6-8 times a day.

They had one good watering about 4 days ago when I put them in their big pots. I have not watered since, and I think they are not in need of any water yet.

Had the light nearly 4ft from seedlings until 2 days ago when I lowered to about 2 ft. This has had no impact whatsoever on growth or the appearance of them.

Anyway here are pics. 1 is slightly stronger and bigger than the other, the smaller one is far more prone to pointing upwards.

Please can anyone help me and tell me what I am doing wrong, it is heartbreaking spending this much money and time researching only for them to be puny weaklings.




Well-Known Member
Ha Ha... depending on strain just be patient. Dont even visit them but 1 or 2 times a week for watering and bug checking. I dont use any of that vapo stuff just a spray bottle I use for clones. Seedlings I let go till sexing time. maybe water every 2 weeks to start.


Well-Known Member
they look OK, the first two weeks are painfully slow, having your light 4 feet away DID NOT HELP ! I start seeds in full sun in the summer. A 250 watt light should be 9 - 10 inches away only to equal sunlight level. Move it at least to a foot away.


Active Member
OK light is moved closer. Also forgot to mention these are femanized seeds.

I use the fogger because I have nearly constant 0% humidity without it (due to an overly powerful fan I think).

I will try get a T5 lamp soon, unfortunately I am painfully skint at the mo!


Active Member
My hygrometer, at the top of the grow area, sits at 15% (it's lowest reading) constantly.

When I sit it at the bottom of my grow area, it is between 30-80% depending on how long ago the fogger was on.

Some people have been scaring me shitless telling me I need constant high humidity throughout seedling and veg has been quite a worry since the start.

Someone also tells me I shouldn't have the lights so close in case they get burnt and will have no chance of this true?

Everything has been a worry since the start! A clear case of new grower-paranoia no doubt.

Much thanks for the replies, every comment is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
They look fine, have patience above all and stop doting on those plants. You just need to let the plants grow and stop fussing with them so much. Once the roots start reaching out you will start seeing growth. Get the light as close as you can and feel the heat with the back of your hand at plant height. If the light is too hot for your hand its too hot for the plants, move it up until it no longer gets your hand hot.


Active Member
I'm a natural worrier...I can tell growing these has been more stress than I need!

I have read that hand thing quite a few times now...but when I try it I can put my hand almost RIGHT next to the bulb before it gets to hot. Does this mean I can put my light nearly right next to my tiny seedlings?

Again thanks for the reply...I must sound like a right bugging newbie...but I guess we all got to start somewhere!


Well-Known Member
I have read that hand thing quite a few times now...but when I try it I can put my hand almost RIGHT next to the bulb before it gets to hot. Does this mean I can put my light nearly right next to my tiny seedlings?
You could move closer, if you can't feel the heat, let them get used to the stronger light each day moving down an inch or two. They can't utilize much more light than sunlight level anyways (unless you add CO2, but let's not go there) I wouldn't go closer than 8 inches.
( You might want to get some anti anxiety strains for that problem, heheh)


Active Member
Cheers! Will start lowering a few inches every day now.

Unfortunetley i'm a big time sativa lover, these seeds are 50/50 mixes. maybe i should look into some knock out indicas for my next grow lol ;)


Well-Known Member
Your first few grows its hard not to constantly look at and fondle the damn plants, but like anything you do for long periods it eventually gets monotonous and you end up just letting things happen.


Active Member
My healthier seedling with more growth has toppled over in the night. I have tried to prop it up with some tooth picks and sandwich bag ties. Will this be ok and is it normal?

Anyway here are some pictures I've just taken. You can see my poor propping up job lol.
The edges of the leaves are losing their green colour a little and turning slightly yellow-ish. Does this mean it's time to water? Or do they still look ok?

Pardon my desperation for approval and pointers. I seem permanently worried I'm going to find them both dead and wilted one day!


EDIT: My biggest seedling is only 6cm tall. Now just barley showing it's 3rd set of real leaves. Why are my plants so tiny, can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong as I have now seen 5 other threads with similar setups to me and their seedlings are large and strong already. What am I doing to stunt the growth so badly :(



Active Member
Not that anyone cares, but just to update, both my plants randomly died in the night.

After spending many 100s of pounds on equipment and supplies, reading 100s if not thousands of articles on growing cannabis, and finally following the advise of dozens of experienced growers on 5 different plants have still died.

I am not willing to put the time (every day spending much time ensuring perfect environment), effort and money into this ever again. It's not worth it for a few Oz of my own personal bud.

I thank everyone for their help, but this will be my last foray into growing. I'd rather pay 25 pounds an eighth for shwag, or smoke horrible soapbar than ever have to go through this nightmare again.

Hopefully I can sell on some of my equipment. If anyone is interested in a descent 250w HPS light with reflector, a TD160 extractor fan and suitable carbon filter, about 40L of expensive canna growing soil, and a whole collection of canna products (terra grow/bloom, cannazym, rhiziotonic, pk13/14, canna boost) and other bits and bobs (fans, meters, mylar, acoustic ducting) then please get in contact with me.

Thanks again guys for trying to help. This has been a horrible, depressing and expensive experience which I will never try again.