Desperate Help - My Crop Looks Like Crap


Well-Known Member
good info, and totally agree on over complicating things.

The one thing I might add is that you need to find a new source. I won't speak to the quality of the clones you started with, but it's suspect. I can say that your shop not only couldn't help you with how to properly grow these, but in fact gave you bad advice (to leave them in tiny little pots). I'd do a little bit of research on the basics, then shop for a store that at least is giving you info that jives with your research. Anyone selling clones who is worth a crap is going to be able to give you loads of info on what you need to grow, and honestly the basics are not difficult. Soil, light, ventilation, food (water/nutes). Everything else is candy (ways to improve growth/yield once you have hit the bottlenecks of the basics). This includes co2 and all that, it's not needed to grow incredible herb, it's simply a way to improve once co2 becomes a limiting factor, and you have to be growing healthy plants for that to be the case.


Well-Known Member
You have way too many things going on. Your plants look like shit because you did no research. You are just throwing money at them. Spending money does not grow great plants. Doing your homework does. Do some research, alot of research and just start with the basics.
Agree with statement above.

You are using a ridiculous amount of bloom boosters. Why do you have 5-6 different bloom foods when all you need is one? Just how much exactly are you feeding them? Cha-ching by itself has a crazy amount of P/K. If you're giving them anything else it's game over. Just cus you're following the feeding schedule doesn't mean the schedule is meant for growing cannabis.

Second, get rid of the C02, that's what may be hurting your plants since you don't even know what PPM is. C02 is unnecessary, i've seen people without C02 get bigger yields than people using C02.

I see too many people dive in without doing their research first, and do a lot of unnecessary shit by adding a lot of different variables. I don't understand why you are a caretaker if this is your first real grow and you don't even have your setup dialed in.

edit: there are so many useless replies to this thread, I can't believe no one pointed out the obvious. And no, your next crop is not going to be okay if you keep doing things this way
hey man dw at least u have some plants ey. To try and fail is better then to never try at all. keep going theres a fat spliff at the end of the rainbow :-)


Well-Known Member
Just cus you're following the feeding schedule doesn't mean the schedule is meant for growing cannabis.
Do you honestly believe, after studying the Fox Farms feeding schedule and seeing how it is broken down into veg 4 weeks, flowering 4 weeks flush and flowering final four weeks that it is for anything BUT cannabis? c'mon, get real.... They know what the majority of their customers are growing. People aren't spending $90 on a trio pack of soluble supplements for better tomatos...


Well-Known Member
Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, Cha Ching, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom
that's what the thread starter bought. Trio pack + 2 other bloom products.

I don't see why a plant would need 5 different bloom products.

Have you seen the NPK ratios on cha ching and open sesame.

Cha Ching:

Open Sesame:

Beastie Bloom:

I don't see how you can use all 3 of these together and not burn the fuck out of your plants
I just tore them all down. Fuck them. I spent $1000's of dollars on them and spent over 3 months flowering and not even a bowl. Hopefully I'll get a bowl at least out of the next plants I try to grow. I swear I read everything online and it sounds so simple but they just die in my hands. My next twelve will be hydro, and if they don't grow every day. I won't waste my time on them, I'll kill them and start new ones. This is so difficult I've started 4 flower rooms, hopefully one of them will finally within a 4 month time period of flowering straight from clone in 3 gallon pots will grow a joint. If it does after my experience so far I will be amazed


Active Member
I mean seems to me like over watering and a gang of ferts mixed in wit a lil stretch.....relax man a just follow the basics light water dirt, don't do hydro yet til u know how a soil plant grows....hydro is a big responsibility n no offense but u don't know what ur doing....I don't know bout u but clones cost to much to keep buying just to kill....just trying to help out

Oh an don't let the # of post fool anyone I've been a lurkin an a working!!!!


Well-Known Member
Some quick advice for next round.

Get some good seeds, get your own mother plant, make your own clones.

3 foot clones? Whoever you bought that from ripped you off big time. I gurantee majority of the plant issues are from the clones.

Buy seeds from attitude or nirvana, dont buy anymore clones.

You have a good setup, and plenty of potential. But like others have said, do a little more research, do dry runs with your grow room (lock in temps!), listen to your plants not feeding charts.

Try not to over-complicate the process. Its just a plant afterall. Theres no special "tricks" to it. Stick to the basics, learn from mistakes, and you'll do just fine.