Designated grower needed ASAP

That is much different then your father using the guise of a medical license that is intended to provide medicine to people who need it. In particular these two apparently need it themselves. It underminds those who are actually trying to do things right around medical and causes alot of sufferring. Just like the unjust laws that lock people up for simply growing a plant do.
What is being claimed here in this thread by these two is actually in fact fueling putting people in jail. It helps the stigma against legitimate medical growing.
I want to make it very clear I do not believe anyone should go to jail for simply growing this beautiful and wondrous plant. I would also like to make it very clear I do think those who do not have the balls to simply just grow, and instead use a program that is in fact meant to help some of those who need it most, should.
A piece of shit is a piece of shit. Growing cannabis does not make someone a piece of shit. Using dying and those with health issues does.
I am not against anyone growing illegal or otherwise. Free the herb ,free the people is my motto. I just firmly believe medical cannabis should not be fucked with. Wanna grow and make a buck giver, but do not do it under the medical guise.
Cheers and again fuck these two pieces of shit
So to be clear, I have to say sorry to you. I didn't realize that you had asperger's syndrome and emense personal anger within.

At no point, did I say I sold anything. Fact is you don't know If I give away anything. I showed a license and because you have "Pergs" You went ape shit. Which normal sound person does that WITHOUT all facts, off a forum. Seems logical to me, but heY.

OH YEAH WHO HAVE I taken advantange of? Who's mouth did I take food out of strange. Everyone is afforded the same rights to grow.

Yeah soo, strange. It is like the law was made for me. No one knows what the Doc signed me for.

I guess medical Dr's are going to risk losing their license for one person.
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You smoked for 15 years. Thats cute.
Me 25 years.

You can do whatever you want to do on this green earth. You can even grow 1000 plants.

You can grow them legally or illegally. You are an adult and can make your own decisions.

The license I have is Legal.
B) Whatever condition I may have it is my personal really.

This thread was supposed to help the original poster find a dg.


NOW IM GOING TO Deal with you. Why are you mad.

Where did I say how I used the plant, you want to assume fine.

Can you even get a 20 gram a day license. Lmao?

I Need a 250 gram a day person to post.

At 114 grams a day...
"People acting like its a billion dollars omg". I have had this since 2013, it is not that big of a deal.
We all know your full of shit.. 114 grams a day? Lol your telling me you go through a qp a day? Thats 14.25 half gram joints per hour if your up 16 hours a day and smoke weed. Or likely 1-1.4 grams of concentrate per hour. Thats just stupid lol.
We all know your full of shit.. 114 grams a day? Lol your telling me you go through a qp a day? Thats 14.25 half gram joints per hour if your up 16 hours a day and smoke weed. Or likely 1-1.4 grams of concentrate per hour. Thats just stupid lol.
your just going to confuse him.. he's having a hell of a time keeping up with his own bullshit, yet alone crunch
Help the original poster find a new dg.
He should start a thread called ontario designated grower lol. Or canada or some shit lol. Hows he gonna get anyone in his area this way? Plus i wouldnt do it. Plenty have said hes likely to get his plant count stolen. Hard to trust someone you dont know at all
He should start a thread called ontario designated grower lol. Or canada or some shit lol. Hows he gonna get anyone in his area this way? Plus i wouldnt do it. Plenty have said hes likely to get his plant count stolen. Hard to trust someone you dont know at all
I'm assuming they're both sock accounts.. really it's the only reason I've been fucking with this guy/child..
Those Vietnamese growers were outta business or busted by 2001...when the MMAR was enacted and 'punk bitches hiding behind the medical system' began supplying the streets and the dispensaries.
Ya it was probably around then, if I was to sit down and do a year by year thing I'm sure my dates would be off by a bit, honestly it doesn't seem that long ago but yes it was :(. The last bigger outdoor grow I did was probably 12-15 years ago. As for the med licence thing going on here, I agree that the plant counts are extremely out of the realm of reality, who cares, we all could have applied back in the day, everyone has a sore back. I didn't because my thing was hugely profitable and I kept my name out of the system. But, I don't hold any animosity for those that did, why would I?