Describe your worst pain ever and best strain for relief


Well-Known Member
I was in an explosion involving 10,000 gallons of lpg on a construction site.

The explosion threw me about 30 feet,the impact trauma shattered my spine & a bunch of bones,couldnt move a muscle from the waist down..

Worst pain........crawling away from the fire while i could feel the flesh on my upper back cook,i could feel it all above waist,nah,thats 2nd worse.

I think the worst was waking up in the burn unit,strapped down while they peeled the seared skin from my body,nah even that isnt the worst.

Laying on a bare metal table under several 1,000 watt metal halide lights & baking to a crisp,after the dead skin & flesh was crisp they would work me over with scrub brushes to remove dead flesh,you scream until you pass out.

I can still smell my flesh cooking if i close my eyes & think back,its not something i do often.

this makes me cry. you have my respect!


Well-Known Member
worst pain for me.. hmmm....
when i was 13 i had to get an ingrown removed because my dad cut my toenails weird as a kid... holy shit, that was extremely painful. they jabbed a huge needle into three different parts of my toe, and it was like liquid fire... then they put some numbing shit on it, so i couldnt feel anything anymore, but those shots hurt so bad i just sobbed through the whole thing, and then having to walk out of the dr's office on it as the numbness wore off... holy shit

Number one worst pain so far goes between three different incidences, i cant pick.
a) getting my hand caught in the car door. ive never been able to scream like that since that happened... it sounded like i was being murdered
b) burning my hands. this applies to over 15+ burns, most small, but i have burned off part of my finger print, hit my hand on a broiler, and burned the whole area between my palm and my first knuckle on the toaster oven
c) falling down mount charleston... this happened twice, the second time i had to walk three miles to get back to the car with a fucked up knee

oh, and my mom said when my tonsils were taken out i was in hella pain and puked blood for a week.

most of that happened when i was too young to smoke, but the burn on my finger idk what i smoked, but i made sure i was lit when i took off the dead skin


Well-Known Member
I'd have to say....3rd degree burns to me entire left foot...There is nothing worse than the pain of burns, I can only imagine how panhead felt. The pain itself is enough to kill a normal man.