Describe what your perfect match would be like


Well-Known Member
She'd be around 5'3", have blue or green eyes, weigh anywhere from 120lbs-135lbs, wear a C cup, wear thongs most of the time, and lingerie or booty shorts on occasion, have feminine sexy tattoos, maybe a half sleeve down one arm, and have soft pale skin. She'd rather be comfortable and casual than spend an hour putting on makeup. She would know how to cook because she loves to eat as much as I do. She'd like video games and have her own favorites she could whoop my ass on. She'd smoke weed and have her own garden. She'd be intelligent and have opinions about important things that mattered, not just Jersey Shore or The Real World. She'd have goals, but they would be realistic. She'd be independent and self reliant. She'd always look nice, even when she didn't try. She'd always smell fresh. She'd be caring and considerate, spontaneous and passionate. Sarcastic and witty, and she'd have great taste in movies and music, she'd hate retarded singers like Justin Beeber and the Jonas Brothers, and movies with Kate Hudson and Mathew Mcconaughey.

What would your perfect match be like? Be as specific as possible.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
a smut writer couldn't come up with a more fictional woman lol. i wish you well on your search though. maybe someone can draw her for you. question though. how old are you where your women are into justin bieber?


5'ft tall, fat, sparkling in the sun, very green as if shes always feeling blue, wears perfume that smells of skunk, & her name would ideally be Maryjane. =)


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt want to see a 5'3 ft woman weighting 120-135lbs and wears booty shorts all the time imagine how fat that is? all cellulites chunking in ithere


Well-Known Member
a smut writer couldn't come up with a more fictional woman lol. i wish you well on your search though. maybe someone can draw her for you. question though. how old are you where your women are into justin bieber?
I agree, never met a chick with all of these characteristics. I'm 23, and it's embarrassing there's girls my age who like that shit...

What's your ideal match look like?

still haven't gotten laid, eh? :(
Truth be told, I have, but not by either of the two chicks I'd like to do it with... Still in the works man, but I'm a patient guy, still confident it'll happen.

i wouldnt want to see a 5'3 ft woman weighting 120-135lbs and wears booty shorts all the time imagine how fat that is? all cellulites chunking in ithere
Don't dis it till you see it for yourself. To each his own, but a big round ass and a small waist with a flat stomach is amazing to witness! Anywhere from 115-135 is usually pretty nice, anything below too skinny, anything above too heavy, but there's definitely exceptions...

What's your perfect match look like?


Well-Known Member
Whow gives a fuck what she looks like? she would be loaded with boat loads of cash and she would be mute.