Depresed growth?


Well-Known Member
Hello all. First grow. This my one plant in flower, i pollinated it. Its been 1 month and a half under 400 watt hps. !2 and 12. Its veg time was real messed up. I am sure that most of its flower time counts almost as 12 and 12 from seed kinda deal, as in still vegging. It was abused real bad in beginning, lights soil air all bad. It has thicker white hairs now and is developing white crystals thicker. It has an inch big cola and bud site with half inch hi buds in say 40 or so places on the plant. It is babied now nicely. It has at the bottom of each thicker nug with hairs these thicker growths getting bigger. They could almost be what a nub could guess was seed sacks but im sure they are not. The nutes are talth hydro bloom and superthrive with reverse osmosis. Ph is fine for hydro i guess and have no ppm meter. I just follow the instructions, no nute burn. I have 4 healthy clones going 12 and 12 for fun now. The buds look nothing like the pics of other 3 week old flowerers. They are severly tunted. They look hopeful i guess but are at a standstill almost these last few days. Is this what a stunted plant does? Is it gonna get better slowly, say months, or is this normal? I know this long sorry!:weed:SHould i jut say screw it and lower the light to the other clones?