Dense nugs

This thread is way off track.

Kinggrow1 does have a reputation of being kind of a dick around here, and from time to time he is flat out WRONG just like the rest of us. But in this thread he did not come off being a dick. He offered information, and then a few comments with emoticons expressing playfulness/humor. You guys took that and ran with it and here we are another thread in this forum digressed into this BS.

If you have an issue with Kinggrow1 then there's an ignore function on the forum. Otherwise I see no point in turning every thread he posts in an opportunity to bash him about other threads where he hasn't been as helpful as you thought he could have been.
As for the comments at the beginning of this thread grow some thicker skin and accept that everyone here has a different way of expressing their sense of humor.
Yes, use ignore for Kingrow. I did and it made this site so much more enjoyable for me to use not having to read his dickish, dumb fuck replies.
I've noticed too, it makes logical sense that a plant with less water in it will take less time to dry and lose less as it has less, grapes and raisins, plainly put.

My only concern, as I'm no botanist, is if any drought stresses during harvest release or inhibit certain break downs. I recall things about live stock and stress changing the meat composition, like too much adrenalin or what not. Again I know little about this sort of thing, its easier to assume correct and the plants are well watered on the day. Probably isn't worth all the reading to find out.

At least someone else has noticed this too.

Water stress increases grape sweetness but lowers yeilds.

Im just taliking about harvwsting when plant needs water and at a lower bud moisture than when watered though although water stress will give us less yeild and affect cannabinoid profile to some point.

Not that i can take much out of my water stressed plants but some have produced small very strong tasting buds at points although not something i can replicate juat by chance.

For our purposes water stress kills yeilds over a grow. A lot of weed in the wild must be water stressed and probably why weed is so adaptive with its leaf morphology and leaf angle etc etc.

I did biology but to specialize on certain subjects would have been a life commitment, i chose weed instead :-)