Denocah Multi Strain Grow DWC


What up Rollitup? So This is my first post/ first grow journal. My main goal for this is to be able to share my garden with others. My grows are usually only known by girlfriend and myself. Unfortunately she doesn't share the passion as much as I do. That's where you guys come in! Finally I get to share my love with others and Im really excited for it. Hope to meet some people, so come holler my way.

So I have a lot of lights, flood tables, fans etc, etc.... But I have recently had an addition to the family so I don't the space i used to. So im gonna keep it simple for this thread. Ill be using simple flouresnts for seed starting. The veg stage will be powerd by a 400w Mh. I have not determined what light i will be using yet for flowering. I have 250, 400, 600, and 1000 hps. Ill leave it up in the air, once the time comes Ill worry about it.

As Far as nutrients go Ill be using Fox Farm products. Fox farm is what I have always used. I will be trying others once I run out.

I will be running DWC for this project. Containers will not be connected do to so many different strains starting at once. I use 5-1/2" pots on top of diffrent containers for starting. Later will be moved up to 5 gallon buckets.

The strains i will be starting now are as followed
-Lemon Skunk
-Green Poison

Why am I choosing these strains? Because thats what Ive had left over from previous grows. Im not a real big fan of popping only one seed from each strain but when thats what you got, that's what you gotta do.

And so it begins, I look forward to talking to you guys. Let the weed bring us together!


seeds germinating.jpgCheese popping.jpgFirst signs of life on 1/6/12. Cheese first to pop. All seeds put in water untill cracked. After being cracked seeds were inserted into rockwool starter cubes. I have had these seeds for some time, not to sure how good they still are. Taking a while for them to sprout........


subbed...I just got into DWC...growth rate is ridicules...cant believe I didn't do this method earlier


PHAM909- Thanks bro. That is really why I joined so I could really communicate with people. Its almost like having an open door into my garden. So things are going a little slower them I'm used 2. Only cheese and Green Poison have sprouted so far. Both still have seed shell on top. Not a big deal gotta just roll with it sometime will post more pics in a day or so.


So the only seeds that have came up are the cheese and green poison. i usually have around a 90 % germ rate so not really sure what happened this time.