Demographics of RIU: Are you M or F?

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Well-Known Member
Male or Female?

Lets get some numbers

I feel like the majority of the internet is male. A question.. If this poll confirms my prediction, why do you feel that is? I'd love for some females to shed some light on this particularly. Perhaps it's simply the websites I frequent, which would make a lot of sense. But perhaps not, are females simply occupied with other things? Are there more males interested in what the internet has to offer? Porn being a big part of it..


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I'm male.

and my answer to your question is females are to busy keeping up with facebook and instagram to be bothering with RIU. they are occupied with other things than the sweet herb


Well-Known Member
I'm also interest in why less females (I also predict this) are frequenting this site than males. I would likely guess more males smoke cannabis than females do...therefore it's already leaning that direction from the get go. And probably even less females are growing it, so that's probably why not too many women find themselves here. Demographics is one of my favorite fields of study, for fun.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Male or Female?

Lets get some numbers

I feel like the majority of the internet is male. A question.. If this poll confirms my prediction, why do you feel that is? I'd love for some females to shed some light on this particularly. Perhaps it's simply the websites I frequent, which would make a lot of sense. But perhaps not, are females simply occupied with other things? Are there more males interested in what the internet has to offer? Porn being a big part of it..

Obviously iam female, and my reason personally for not frequenting the Internet as often as males is time, although since I had to give up my job I use it much more. But theirs so many more things that need doing especially so near Christmas. The riu website I joined simply for info on growing, but I have gained so much more from it, I think I'm addicted to it now lol. As for why more males use it I think judging by my sons it's because of porn, cars,and this Facebook thing everyone raves about, that I personally don't belong to. But I think the biggest reason is time, my husband comes in from work,showers eats his meal and the rest of the day is his, but when I worked and even now my work is never done.


so 15 guys and 1 confused guy has answered the poll so far. There are no women on the internet dude :(


Well-Known Member
looks like a sausage fest. 1 chick?

and it was a guy who plays a chick on the internet

eta... you ever notice how quickly a chicks thread gets replies too?


Well-Known Member
They're here Pad though most probably hide.
Whenever a female enters a room/forum, they're instantly jumped on, asked embarrassing questions about her tits or sexual positions. Constantly hounded by PM's for nude pics or having pics sent to them and unless they are of a tougher skin, like some of our ladies here.
They go away never to return.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
They're here Pad though most probably hide.
Whenever a female enters a room/forum, they're instantly jumped on, asked embarrassing questions about her tits or sexual positions. Constantly hounded by PM's for nude pics or having pics sent to them and unless they are of a tougher skin, like some of our ladies here.
They go away never to return.
so, you think lahada's got any nude pics she would be willing to........J/k


Well-Known Member
Women have smaller feet ya know why??
Raising the kids taking care of the Ole man, chores and sex they ain't got the time! LOL
Oh and the answr to the above for those that don't know.......
So they can stand closer to the sink.


I'm a Lady :mrgreen: Maybe all the girls are trolling about while the guys actually sign up... Personally, I blame TMZ :twisted: and reality TV :twisted: for the lack of lady stoners on RIU :eyesmoke: