Democrats to bureaucratize sex in California

So there are blacked out drunk chicks, and chicks who dress like prostitutes and want to be treated with dignity.

And bad things happen to them. No one is saying it's their fault, and when bad things happen to them that the attacker is less culpable.

It comes down to predictability and common sense to avoid something bad happening to one's self.

If i had a college age daughter I would tell her not to drink to excess around men, and to dress with a shred of dignity to help avoid bad things.

Buck, it's similar to this.

Suppose you had just sold your entire harvest.

Do you walk down the street with all your cash in a zip lock bag?

If not, why not?

We would both agree that makes you more likely to get robbed. Let's assume that's true anyway because I know how contrary you can be.

But that does not make the guy who stole your bag of money less of a thief. And it doesn't make you less than a victim.
So there are blacked out drunk chicks, and chicks who dress like prostitutes and want to be treated with dignity. And bad things happen to them. No one is saying it's their fault, and when bad things happen to them that the attacker is less culpable.

You are an idiot.

You're basically saying women should dress with dignity or risk being sexually assaulted.

Fuck that. Women can dress however they want and you should mind your fuckin' business.

Just because you happen to be drunk or a prostitute doesn't mean you deserve to be treated any less.
I couldn't agree with you more.

I simply recognize that there are men out there who don't think this way.

It's a safety issue, not a freedom and morals issue.

Just like walking down the street with thousands of dollars in a zip lock bag.

There is nothing wrong with doing that, it's just some people will take it from you.

Same principle applies.

No, they're not "men", they're either liars, idiots, or eunuchs.
Of course not. And i don't know anyone saying it is.

It might be appropriate for a themed parry or some such.

The problem is that outfit screams "fuck me."

And the problem with that is some men get so worked up that they have to.

That doesn't make them any less criminal if they rape her.

It doesn't make the woman a bad person either.

What people are saying is that attire should have NO IMPACT on perception, and we ALL know that's NOT the case.

Attire DOES matter, and there ARE potential CONSEQUENCES for ignoring that fact. Sometimes the consequences are being admonished at work, fired, or being targeted as a sexual object.

The bottom line is that the attire we all CHOOSE to wear, makes a statement about us, and we are ALL responsible for the potential consequences of that statement. RIGHT or WRONG. A clansmen SHOULD be able to wear his costume in a black ghetto without getting his ass beat. "SHOULD". However, it wouldn't surprise me, or anybody else, if he DOES get his ass beat, so why do people want to ignore the potential consequences of a female dressing like a whore?

Incite dudes with sex? What the fuck is wrong with you?

This is going to sound crazy to you, I know, but just work with me.

You see, us normal men, heterosexuals if you will, find the sight of a womans' exposed body parts to be visually and sexually stimulating. Crazy, right? It's true. We LOVE the shape of breasts, we love cleavage, hips, ass, legs, tummy, basically flesh. Strange, isn't it? That's just how we're wired.

Now, here's something even crazier.

Chicks know this.

No, really, they do.

They know this and take advantage of this by wearing shit that highlights and exposes those body parts in order to INCITE a sexual desire in MEN, if not A man.

Crazy, right?

That's why they wear shit like this...

Women often dress like that to get free shit from men. To take advantage of those desires you spoke of.

Occasionally a man sees a woman dressing like that and decides to take free shit from her.

One is considered cute and funny. The other is a felony.
You support making some people use their body in ways that somebody else would make them, even if they have to be forced.

Hypocrite much?

yeah, because owning a gasoline station and selling gasoline to a black customer is kinda like being pinned and raped against your will.

i'm thinking you need to be raped to gain some perspective. for your own good.
Buck... are you stupid of something?

I've never seen anyone distort arguments they disagree with more.

You're acting like people want to not prosecute rapists who rape skimpy dressing women.
You are comparing someone raping another to you having to fix me a sandwich in which I would pay you for. How lame
My brother is married. He says that it's just as difficult to get a sandwich as it is a blow job.

I think the two are more related than you think.
Buck... are you stupid of something?

I've never seen anyone distort arguments they disagree with more.

You're acting like people want to not prosecute rapists who rape skimpy dressing women.

i don't need to distort anything.

"If she's blacked out, that's her own fucking fault."
My brother is married. He says that it's just as difficult to get a sandwich as it is a blow job.

I think the two are more related than you think.
Maybe your brother should learn how to treat his wife. Let us know when you get a life of your own.
First it's your daddy this... now it's your brother that. How about asking your mother if rape is the same thing as making a sandwich.
Maybe your brother should learn how to treat his wife. Let us know when you get a life of your own.
First it's your daddy this... now it's your brother that. How about asking your mother if rape is the same thing as making a sandwich.
I'm sorry you don't have a family who loves you.
Is that the best you got ??? again ask your mom which is worst...getting raped or having to fix you a sandwich
I don't want to embarrass my mother.

You and I both know that deep down inside most women fantasize about being raped. They enjoy it as long as they aren't beaten too hard.

They don't like making sandwiches.
I don't want to embarrass my mother.

You and I both know that deep down inside most women fantasize about being raped. They enjoy it as long as they aren't beaten too hard.

They don't like making sandwiches.
so you think your mother fantasize about being raped? You are one sick puppy
so you think your mother fantasize about being raped? You are one sick puppy
My mother is post menopausal. As far as I know those types of women no longer have sexual urges.

I'm talking about young women.

Why else do they put them selves so often in circumstances that encourage rape. Deep down they crave it. It's evolutionary. For tens of thousands of years, if not hundreds of thousands, the way our species was propagated was by a male deciding he would inseminate a female no matter her wish.

After countless generations of this women still feel the urge to be grabbed and fucked.
Women (and men) should dress appropriately when they go out in public. They should equally realize there's an increase in the chance of danger if they go out looking provocatively unattended (this is the nature of being an attractive person. You are a target, you are the most likely to be taken advantage of, exactly the same way wealthy, affluent looking people are likely to be taken advantage of and poor looking people aren't). It's your own responsibility to protect yourself! Having said that, it's also your responsibility to not harm others, which obviously includes sexual assaults and rape. There is no excuse/justification for such acts. If you do it, it's on you. Using the excuse "they were too attractive, I couldn't control myself" holds exactly as much water as "I had to rape them".

It's my responsibility to control myself, it's in your best interest to dress conservatively, if you choose not to, I do not get a free pass to automatically rape you because I wanted to.. Nobody in their right mind would accept that.

It all seems pretty straight forward to me.. Maybe the schools want to set a tough precedent, but IMO, if the statistics are as high as they say they are (which I don't think they actually are, concerning legitimate rape accusations and dismissing false ones) then I guess each school should have their own way of handling it and their turnout and graduation rates in the proceeding years will reflect as much.