Democrats Run Away From Obamacare ??

Obama has signed how many so called "jobs bills"? 20?

Are you calling for more shitty policies that don't work? 20 jobs bills passed through congress and we have less people working today... Yeah!! Let's do MOAR!!

Are you saying that Republicans are trying to help the little guy out with their obstructionist tactics?

oh, I can't find such a list.
Tough morning Doc?

My views on the differences are well recorded on this site. I am going to short hand them today. But keep at it and you might manage to get me worked up. The problem is in translation between REpublican and conservative, and Democrat and liberal - it is an impure translation in either case.

As is the historical stances of each party. I see you are going to try to haul out that old civil rights and the Republicans cannard again and I know you are aware of the history of both parties and their courses.

Not much of anything at all has gotten.. republican support of late.

go back as far as you like, the republican platforms have been consistent while the democrat platforms have blown with the winds of popular sentiment.

claiming "republicans and democrats all switched sides in '68" is patent BULLSHIT!

and you dont even see it.

both sides are equally bad, except REPUBLICANS are the worst.
REPUBLICANS keep everyone down

damn you are silly.

you are a partisan hack, drowning in your own failed agenda and feverishly splashing agitprop all over the place.

every major policy move since the foundation of the federal reserve bank has been a BIPARTISAN MOVE, except of course for the civil rights act, which had no democrat support, and obamacare which had no republican support.

one was a good thing, the other was pure bullshit.

see if you can guess which one.

civil rights was decided on geographic lines, not party lines, you revisionist blowhard.
claiming "republicans and democrats all switched sides in '68" is patent BULLSHIT!

no, your jistorical revisionism is patent bullshit, and you are so full of it that it is coming out of your ears, which are presumably filled with grey hairs.

google "jesse helms" for a good start.
i see discussion of the Democrat party's racism and obstructionism has resulted in a cascade of Buckposts.

i'm tempted to peek and see if he has maintained the "Rigorous Standards" of his previous efforts but i will restrain myself.

i imagine he has made some reference to how poor i am, and has implied how inferior i must be (despite the fact that he makes less than half what i do... lulz)

i suppose he has thrown out a few "Totally Not Racist" slurs like "redneck" or "hillbilly" or "inbred" or "white trash"

i cant imagine he has resisted the urge to paraphrase (But Never Quote) some comment from months past and used it to imply i must be racist.

certainly he has mentioned his "toyota tunda's glovebox" at least half a dozen times

no doubt he has made numerous claims regarding his penis, each more ludicrous than the last.

and i am almost certain he has whipped out the Crayloas and is making wild absurd claims in big bold letters and crazy colours to emphasize how grown up he is.
i see discussion of the Democrat party's racism and obstructionism has resulted in a cascade of Buckposts.

i'm tempted to peek and see if he has maintained the "Rigorous Standards" of his previous efforts but i will restrain myself.

i imagine he has made some reference to how poor i am, and has implied how inferior i must be (despite the fact that he makes less than half what i do... lulz)

i suppose he has thrown out a few "Totally Not Racist" slurs like "redneck" or "hillbilly" or "inbred" or "white trash"

i cant imagine he has resisted the urge to paraphrase (But Never Quote) some comment from months past and used it to imply i must be racist.

certainly he has mentioned his "toyota tunda's glovebox" at least half a dozen times

no doubt he has made numerous claims regarding his penis, each more ludicrous than the last.

and i am almost certain he has whipped out the Crayloas and is making wild absurd claims in big bold letters and crazy colours to emphasize how grown up he is.

nope, just corrected your historical revisionism.

i have to be a little higher before i start speaking of my bulbous, purple melon.

edit - but i guess you'll never know because you're too much of a pussy to read opposing viewpoints that are not couched in 8 pages of purple prose about marxism and multiculturalism, and the evils thereof.
Are you saying that Republicans are trying to help the little guy out with their obstructionist tactics?

oh, I can't find such a list.

Nope, what I'm saying is when you claim the pubs have done nothing, you are wrong. Nothing worthwhile, nothing helpful, nothing popular surely, but nothing? No, can't say that.

Then, in the same post, I was asking if you'd like 20 more jobs bills passed, or what exactly you think they need to do? If I think your wonky feel good policies actually do more harm than good, and the guy I elect agrees with me and tries to stop your horrible ideas from taking traction, then he DID do something, something very important. He helped put the brakes on stupidity.

So which of the 20 bills passed to create jobs is your favorite? which one worked best as in created the most jobs at the lowest cost? How many more would have passed if the pubs hadn't obstructed EVERYTHING!!? How many more are needed?
So which of the 20 bills passed to create jobs is your favorite?

go ahead and actually list them all so we can decide, because this is another one of those talking points you gleaned from some retardedly partisan "news" outlet and spam endlessly.
Nope, what I'm saying is when you claim the pubs have done nothing, you are wrong. Nothing worthwhile, nothing helpful, nothing popular surely, but nothing? No, can't say that.

Then, in the same post, I was asking if you'd like 20 more jobs bills passed, or what exactly you think they need to do? If I think your wonky feel good policies actually do more harm than good, and the guy I elect agrees with me and tries to stop your horrible ideas from taking traction, then he DID do something, something very important. He helped put the brakes on stupidity.

So which of the 20 bills passed to create jobs is your favorite? which one worked best as in created the most jobs at the lowest cost? How many more would have passed if the pubs hadn't obstructed EVERYTHING!!? How many more are needed?

Then your idea of good governemt is obstructionism? How about a single bill, built upon bipartisan support that all parties agree might actually help those who are out of work? How about compromise? How about if the right actually presented a bill that was not attached to one or another form of extortion granting the upper upper class another perk they don't need?
Then your idea of good governemt is obstructionism? How about a single bill, built upon bipartisan support that all parties agree might actually help those who are out of work? How about compromise? How about if the right actually presented a bill that was not attached to one or another form of extortion granting the upper upper class another perk they don't need?

You are not going to get an answer
Then your idea of good governemt is obstructionism? How about a single bill, built upon bipartisan support that all parties agree might actually help those who are out of work? How about compromise? How about if the right actually presented a bill that was not attached to one or another form of extortion granting the upper upper class another perk they don't need?

When the choice is stupidity or obstruction, give me obstruction every day.

Out of the 20 jobs bills that passed how many were single party? How many were bipartisan? How many were actually extortion by the right? How many actually worked? Seeing as the workforce is at new lows, it seems none worked. Or you can use the "imagine how bad it would have been if we hadn't passed those 20 bills" so you don't have to admit we are doing it wrong.

Yes, I see obstruction as a good thing at times. I wish we had obstructed the failed stimulus, the Patriot Act, UGEIA (or whatever order the letters of that awful bill goes), The Port Authority Act, Obamacare, just to name a few. Obstruction to bad laws is a good thing, bipartisan shittyness is still shittyness. Bipartisan has brought us the war on drugs, the new and improved Patriot Act on Steroids, NSA overreach, TSA molestations, several wars in the middle east just to name a few. No thanks.

At this point in time, I'm more inclined to root for the guys who want to undo than for the guys who think they have the solutions because they have a law degree and financial backers.
When the choice is stupidity or obstruction, give me obstruction every day.

Out of the 20 jobs bills that passed how many were single party? How many were bipartisan? How many were actually extortion by the right? How many actually worked? Seeing as the workforce is at new lows, it seems none worked. Or you can use the "imagine how bad it would have been if we hadn't passed those 20 bills" so you don't have to admit we are doing it wrong.

Yes, I see obstruction as a good thing at times. I wish we had obstructed the failed stimulus, the Patriot Act, UGEIA (or whatever order the letters of that awful bill goes), The Port Authority Act, Obamacare, just to name a few. Obstruction to bad laws is a good thing, bipartisan shittyness is still shittyness. Bipartisan has brought us the war on drugs, the new and improved Patriot Act on Steroids, NSA overreach, TSA molestations, several wars in the middle east just to name a few. No thanks.

At this point in time, I'm more inclined to root for the guys who want to undo than for the guys who think they have the solutions because they have a law degree and financial backers.

like i said, incredibly long winded, but no actual answers.

he seems to root for obstructionism here, yet tried to pretend like he was not pleased with boehner the other day after boehner talked about how few laws get passed being the measure of success. nothing self-contradictory there.

just more of ginwilly speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

still waiting for you to list those "20 jobs bills", failwilly. sorry to ruin another of your silly little partisan talking points like that.
Then your idea of good governemt is obstructionism? How about a single bill, built upon bipartisan support that all parties agree might actually help those who are out of work? How about compromise? How about if the right actually presented a bill that was not attached to one or another form of extortion granting the upper upper class another perk they don't need?

You never did answer. Which of the 20 jobs bills was your favorite? Which ones are strictly left or right? Which ones are bipartisan? fwiw, i know you don't know, you are just lashing out.

In case you haven't got it yet, I'm showing you your extreme bias, doubt you will see it though, it's all about the evil right.
Nope, what I'm saying is when you claim the pubs have done nothing, you are wrong. Nothing worthwhile, nothing helpful, nothing popular surely, but nothing? No, can't say that.

Then, in the same post, I was asking if you'd like 20 more jobs bills passed, or what exactly you think they need to do? If I think your wonky feel good policies actually do more harm than good, and the guy I elect agrees with me and tries to stop your horrible ideas from taking traction, then he DID do something, something very important. He helped put the brakes on stupidity.

So which of the 20 bills passed to create jobs is your favorite? which one worked best as in created the most jobs at the lowest cost? How many more would have passed if the pubs hadn't obstructed EVERYTHING!!? How many more are needed?

Then your idea of good governemt is obstructionism? How about a single bill, built upon bipartisan support that all parties agree might actually help those who are out of work? How about compromise? How about if the right actually presented a bill that was not attached to one or another form of extortion granting the upper upper class another perk they don't need?

Five of nlxsk1 questions go unanswered, canndo totally ignores him and instead decides to ask questions of his own.

You are not going to get an answer

he'll get an incredibly long winded reply, but no answer.

And now the clown show begins.
hard to answer ginwilly's question when he refuses to even name the "20 jobs bills" he endlessly spams about.

but i don't see you giving him any shit for that, mahsistah.