Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

I didn't "buy a ticket". So this is about money? Citizenship is about money. Sad.

Great alternative analogy. shm.
That's what our Democratic experiment has come to:

Aristocracy by monetary fiat for the rich, fascism for the rest of us.

Agreed with @Padawanbater2 that just because the candidate has a (D) next to their name does not mean they represent the needs of the middle class.
"I'm gonna cut Wall Street out of politics" - Donald Trump

"Hillary is the Wall Street candidate, pay for play, corruption" - Donald Trump

Appoints 6 members of Goldman Sachs and his big donors to cabinet...

Everything he said about Clinton was projection, when is Trump gonna release his tax returns?

When will he explain the private server he has that regularly pings a server in Russia?

"I'm gonna cut Wall Street out of politics" - Donald Trump Sounds like good policy, and the sooner the better.

"Hillary is the Wall Street candidate, pay for play, corruption" - Donald Trump Innuendo till proven. No better than what is said about him.

Appoints 6 members of Goldman Sachs and his big donors to cabinet. Who better to put a stop to the corruption than the people who had to watch it happen and could not do anything about it as it besmirched their integrity. Now they can. Because some did it, ALL are guilty of it. And you find no hypocrisy in that line of reasoning?

Everything he said about Clinton was projection, when is Trump gonna release his tax returns?....and innuendo against her. Trump already said he would after the audit. If the IRS finds nothing illegal and he releases them then, does that mean they are corrupt as well?

When will he explain the private server he has that regularly pings a server in Russia? Is that illegal? If it is prosecute him ASAP. Till then, he does not have to explain what he does with HIS money to anyone. Last time I checked our cash still says "Legal tender for all debt public and PRIVATE."
It would heal faster and with less scar tissue if you didn't use hydrogen peroxide and just stick with the neosporin.

@Big_Lou this right here is why tattoo parlors ask their clients not to use peroxide to clean their piercing sites and fresh tats.

Ohhh, I see. I'm probably just stuck in my parent's routine: Any sort of cut/puncture/gouge/etc. was doused in peroxide/Betadine/alcohol. I've been trying to let it breathe/heal between dressing changes, but the open air begins to sting after a few minutes. (For the FIRST few minutes, though, it's nearly orgasmic.)
On the plus side, the nerve damage feels pleasantly tingly.

Thank you both.
Well if you change money to votes which leads to money then yeah
How is this democracy, again?

You're a know nothing who defecates from your mouth. You have no idea what you're saying you just excrete it onto the thread.

You're so fucking stupid you don't even know you're advocating for the end of your own freedom, along with that of millions of others.

"I'm gonna cut Wall Street out of politics" - Donald Trump Sounds like good policy, and the sooner the better.

"Hillary is the Wall Street candidate, pay for play, corruption" - Donald Trump Innuendo till proven. No better than what is said about him.

Appoints 6 members of Goldman Sachs and his big donors to cabinet. Who better to put a stop to the corruption than the people who had to watch it happen and could not do anything about it as it besmirched their integrity. Now they can. Because some did it, ALL are guilty of it. And you find no hypocrisy in that line of reasoning?

Everything he said about Clinton was projection, when is Trump gonna release his tax returns?....and innuendo against her. Trump already said he would after the audit. If the IRS finds nothing illegal and he releases them then, does that mean they are corrupt as well?

When will he explain the private server he has that regularly pings a server in Russia? Is that illegal? If it is prosecute him ASAP. Till then, he does not have to explain what he does with HIS money to anyone. Last time I checked our cash still says "Legal tender for all debt public and PRIVATE."
You're a complete sucker if you believe ANYTHING the Chump has told you.
Ohhh, I see. I'm probably just stuck in my parent's routine: Any sort of cut/puncture/gouge/etc. was doused in peroxide/Betadine/alcohol. I've been trying to let it breathe/heal between dressing changes, but the open air begins to sting after a few minutes. (For the FIRST few minutes, though, it's nearly orgasmic.)
On the plus side, the nerve damage feels pleasantly tingly.

Thank you both.
Betadine good, alcohol or peroxide bad.
"I'm gonna cut Wall Street out of politics" - Donald Trump Sounds like good policy, and the sooner the better.

"Hillary is the Wall Street candidate, pay for play, corruption" - Donald Trump Innuendo till proven. No better than what is said about him.

Appoints 6 members of Goldman Sachs and his big donors to cabinet. Who better to put a stop to the corruption than the people who had to watch it happen and could not do anything about it as it besmirched their integrity. Now they can. Because some did it, ALL are guilty of it. And you find no hypocrisy in that line of reasoning?

Everything he said about Clinton was projection, when is Trump gonna release his tax returns?....and innuendo against her. Trump already said he would after the audit. If the IRS finds nothing illegal and he releases them then, does that mean they are corrupt as well?

When will he explain the private server he has that regularly pings a server in Russia? Is that illegal? If it is prosecute him ASAP. Till then, he does not have to explain what he does with HIS money to anyone. Last time I checked our cash still says "Legal tender for all debt public and PRIVATE."
You are delusional.
Betsy DeVos for Department of Education - Heiress (which means she's a trust fund baby lik The Dumpster) never set foot in a public school pay for play candidate to the tune of $5M to The Dumpster.

Family estimates $200M to The Reptilian Cause.

Absolutely NO experience in education sector.

Better suited for Department of Energy.

Drain the Swamp..indeed.

What does her money or how she got it have to do with anything? Because she has money her opinion is invalid?

What does the amount of money they donated to causes they favor have do to with anything? It does not prove corruption it just proves they were able to contribute more than others. Soros and Buffet do the same but that's ok?

A better argument would be she should have done a better job vetting the private schools she allowed to open that went under harming the children enrolled there. That alone though, does not does not mean she has no experience, just that no one is perfect. If you think a "common core" education is a good thing then you do not know what YOU are talking about.
"I'm gonna cut Wall Street out of politics" - Donald Trump Sounds like good policy, and the sooner the better.

"Hillary is the Wall Street candidate, pay for play, corruption" - Donald Trump Innuendo till proven. No better than what is said about him.

Appoints 6 members of Goldman Sachs and his big donors to cabinet. Who better to put a stop to the corruption than the people who had to watch it happen and could not do anything about it as it besmirched their integrity. Now they can. Because some did it, ALL are guilty of it. And you find no hypocrisy in that line of reasoning?

Everything he said about Clinton was projection, when is Trump gonna release his tax returns?....and innuendo against her. Trump already said he would after the audit. If the IRS finds nothing illegal and he releases them then, does that mean they are corrupt as well?

When will he explain the private server he has that regularly pings a server in Russia? Is that illegal? If it is prosecute him ASAP. Till then, he does not have to explain what he does with HIS money to anyone. Last time I checked our cash still says "Legal tender for all debt public and PRIVATE."

Are you a retard?

1. Cut out Wall Street? :lol:
2. Innuendo is also what Putin does- he's very successful so is every other dictator that uses this method..the problem with 'may be' comes of sounding like 'it is' to the lay-Republistooge.
3. Those rich poor saps..all this time the anxiety was building due to making money hand over fist and we never knew..I'm so happy to know 'they have integrity and now have the onus to change things'..certainly you know these billionaires' hands were tied before.
4. Trump is NOT under any audit and it's been leaked from you know where..the IRS.

What else ya got?
Are you a retard?

1. Cut out Wall Street? :lol:
2. Innuendo is also what Putin does- he's very successful so is every other dictator that uses this method..the problem with 'may be' comes of sounding like 'it is' to the lay-Republistooge.
3. Those rich poor saps..all this time the anxiety was building due to making money hand over fist and we never knew..I'm so happy to know 'they have integrity and now have the onus to change things'..certainly you know these billionaires' hands were tied before.
4. Trump is NOT under any audit and it's been leaked from you know where..the IRS.

What else ya got?
