Delivery Guy Tip-Off?


Active Member
Anyone ever hear of someone getting busted because they orderd a shit load of hydroponics and lighting equipment from ebay and online stores and the delivery UPS guy or whatever tipped the cops off?


Well-Known Member
Never Heard of it... Been around it all my life. Sending and moving. I mean it is always a posibility but unless he/she knows you are growing tomatoes and is aginst the whole tomatoe thing. Hydroponics can be used for anything including some people I know grow (shhhh marijuana.) Like buying a "Waterpipe" the guy that sells it to you knows you are going to use it for tobbacco, but does not turn you in unless he gets off on that sh*t. LOL


Well-Known Member
i think "a shit load" is going to draw suspicion from just about everyone. i'd be all ......"whoah, that dude has a shit load of hydro stuff"........ my friends would come back in 3 months, break a window.............. it's not just the delivery guy to worry about.

da sAUCE!

Active Member
I used to work at UPS and let me tell you, the delivery guys down here in Houston aren't really that caring about what people order. I wasn't a driver though, I was a truck LOADER. Once in a while actual pot came through, wrapped in a coffee package. I even sent it through after sampling a couple buds, my "keep quiet" tax, haha.


Well-Known Member
I repeat. Always a possibility; however, a great proportion of people only do enough to get paid and don't care about what happens. I have walked up to people and asked for a hamburger at burgerking, they give you one no money asked for. They don't care. SOme do though, there is the possibility. If the guy comments then try to give him a keep quiet tax and hope he don't try and rip you off.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
anything ive orded off e bay or on line shop ive allways asked for plain packaging because its a gift for my wife .wether they believe me or not i dont care it just saves nosey neighbours ,delivery guy etc seeing what your taking in your house.


Active Member
anything ive orded off e bay or on line shop ive allways asked for plain packaging because its a gift for my wife .wether they believe me or not i dont care it just saves nosey neighbours ,delivery guy etc seeing what your taking in your house.
excellent tip, gonna start doing that one...I'm an ebayaholic, I do regularly change who i ship through however, whether its DHL fedex, postoffice or UPS.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I used to work at UPS and let me tell you, the delivery guys down here in Houston aren't really that caring about what people order. I wasn't a driver though, I was a truck LOADER. Once in a while actual pot came through, wrapped in a coffee package. I even sent it through after sampling a couple buds, my "keep quiet" tax, haha.
WOW... this is a great post... great info... iloveyou


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever hear of someone getting busted because they orderd a shit load of hydroponics and lighting equipment from ebay and online stores and the delivery UPS guy or whatever tipped the cops off?
not personally, but a german friend of mine emailed me a newspaper article from yesterday about a bust of german DEA after they go a tip buy "UPS" guy:spew:

da sAUCE!

Active Member
WOW... this is a great post... great info... iloveyou
sarcasm? I mean, 90% of the employees at that UPS facility were from the surrounding neighborhood (north central houston aka "Acres Homes" prominent black ghetto) so they didn't give a shit about illegal activities. Half of them sold crack or some shit. They sure did get good weed though.

But yeah if some narc ass bitch delivery guy went out of his way to say some shit, I'd ask him how the fuck he even has an "idea" of what I'm doing.


Well-Known Member
actually I don't think Garden Knowm was being sarcastic. And as for talking to the person who narc'ed you?

You've obviously never been seriously busted. They never tell you where they got their info from. Or if they do....they lie to you and tell you that your mama/priest/neighbor told on you.

Laying low isn't about giving attitude to people, whether they're acting like they know what's up or not. Laying low is about not giving anyone a reason to think you're up to anything. It's about blending in. Don't argue with the neighbor who's a jesus freak. Say Hallelujah and move the fuck on.