delete my account/remove everything on here


Staff member
yeah , sorry dude were not gunna go delete 633 posts, and we also dont delete accounts :(

hate to say it but sometimes we need to think about our own personal security when signing up on a marijuana growing website.

if i deelte your 633 posts/threads i am than inturn deleting everyones rep you gave out, their posts, their rep from posting in your thread, their post counts, ect ect


bud bootlegger
yeah , sorry dude were not gunna go delete 633 posts, and we also dont delete accounts :(

hate to say it but sometimes we need to think about our own personal security when signing up on a marijuana growing website.

if i deelte your 633 posts/threads i am than inturn deleting everyones rep you gave out, their posts, their rep from posting in your thread, their post counts, ect ect
it'll be anarchy, sorry, your post reminded me of this lovely clip..



bud bootlegger
if you had to choose..would you say your accent is more cockney or posh?..this is for when you type "m8":wink:
definitely cockney sky. i like to keep people who don't really know me guessing as to where i'm from, and the m8 thing is a good cover.. :D


Well-Known Member
i wonder why anyone would want to leave here anyway?..

afterall, they ban members out of here all the time who come back as sock puppets just to be here.