Dehumidifier recommendation for 3.25 ft x 3.25 ft x 5.83 ft tent


I am on day 6 since I switched to 12/12. My humidity is currently in between 50-70%. I want to reduce my humidity by installing a dehumidifier in my grow tent. I am currently using a 6 in exhaust fan with a 4 in intake fan and I am using 2 circulating fans inside the tent. I also have a small electric heater inside the tent.

Tent Dimensions (Length x Width x Height): 3.25 ft x 3.25 ft x 5.83 ft / 39 in x 39 in x 70 in/ 99 cm x 99 cm x 177 cm
Tent Square ft: 1521 sq in / 10.56 sq ft / 1 m ^2
Tent Volume: 60,000 in^3 / 34.33 ft^3/ 0.97 m^3
If you could limit your recommendations to products I could buy off of amazon canada, I would appreciate it.
  1. What are your recommendations for dehumidifiers in grow tents?
  2. How big should my dehumidifier be?
Is that 6" fan a duct booster? I ask bc I live in a tropical environment (ridiculous humidity) yet I was able to control humidity in my 3x3 pretty easily with a 6" Hyper fan. Mind you I filled that tent from corner to corner lol. Negative pressure also helps so maybe ditch the intake fan. I know I'm not answering your question directly but I really don't think you should need a dehumidifier in such a small space, plus they add heat, and they are usually pretty inefficient. Maybe the room in which your tent resides is not getting proper ventilation. In any event, I hope you find the answer you need here and that your grow does well. GL
A DH will take a lot of space in a 3x3. You could put a DH in the room the tent is in and work on reducing the RH of the air going into the tent. DH size depends on the size of the room you're tent is in. I started with a 30 pint but it ran constantly to keep the RH down. I got a 70 pint DH and it was much easier to keep the RH down.
The humidity near my intake is around 84%. I cannot dehumidify my entire garage. I have heard that these dehumidifiers run hot but that's ok considering I am currently using a heater. How big was your tent that used the 70 pint humidifier?
the 6 in fan is not an air booster. It's an inline fan. It does a good job of creating negative pressure in the tent.

The humidity near my intake is around 84%. I cannot dehumidify my entire garage. I have heard that these dehumidifiers run hot but that's ok considering I am currently using a heater. How big was your tent that used the 70 pint humidifier?
I had a 4x4 tent in a hot humid walk up attic. The 30 pint struggled but the 70 pint handles it. I ran a 4" hose from the DH output into a tent port. So, the DH was working on the whole room plus injecting some low RH air into the tent.
Is there anyway to dehumidify the air that goes into the tent?
Since you are in the garage you could possibly use duct work to pull the air from another area that can be dehumidified or if the outdoor air is acceptable grab that but use a dust shroom on the intake.

Long duct runs should be well planned and use galvanized snap seam duct. Sealing the seams and joints with duct mastic really helps prevent leaks.