

Has anyone ever had a seedling with really long, kind of twisted cotyledons? I had to help it open up cuz it was stuck.
Sucks it won't let me upload the pic of it..

It's been about a week since it's popped and it's growing a real big root with some offshoots as well- but still no leaves..

Has anyone ever seen this before and also know if I should keep going or just trash it ? It's a good strain(purple bud) and I hate to throw it out but I may have too.
**edit** uploaded the picture


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Dam sure looks to me like the membrane in side the seeds shell never came off. So now it's dry (more strength) and the starter leaves are fighting to bust through. Where it's not being restricted it's growing and where it is being restricted it can't grow. That's why the leaves look wrinkly. Spray that with a spray bottle and regular water. Let it sit for a couple of minutes. The membrane will get soft. Then GENTLY try and slide it straight up. You can use your fingers or something like the back side of an xacto knife.
Exactly need to get tat membrane off the seedling ....get it moist like mentioned above and just carefully with your finger or a pen ...remove the shell and clear membrane .....if you didn't wait to long will open up and be just fine ....GL