Deformed after transplant


I just transplanted 2 cali hash plants, 2 crimnea blue, 1 fruity chronic juice, 1 Ultimate, and 1 Biddy early into there final holes. I dug 3x3x3 holes used half natural soil, earth worm castings, sheep compost, perlite, bone meal, bloodmeal and some fox farms happy frog. the plants all looked very lush and healthy before transplant and now the leaves are all curled, browned edges, some holes. Not sure what this could hopefully someone has some advise thanks.IMG_0098.jpgIMG_0097.jpgIMG_0096.jpgIMG_0095.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks a lot like nutrient burn. How long has the sheep manure been composting? Some animal waste is way to hot to use the first year, like chicken or chinchilla. Must be aged a year at least or it'll burn everything.


Well-Known Member
Yep, soil is hot.. with a bit of transplant/Climate shock. Did you harden them off before you put them outside?


yes they had been growing in newspaper pots in direct sun since they sprouted. the sheep compost is well over a year old and is neutral ph according to farmer it came from. is there anything I can do or just wait it out and see what happens?