defoliation? yes/no and techniques

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
The only place defoliation has been 'PROVEN' to increase yield in MJ is within the heads of those foolish enough to want too believe it. They need to be the 'ones' that grew that monster bud. Forget the role the plant and genetics had to play in it. Dragging the grow out while adding undo stress to the plant.


Well-Known Member
OK so how can u say defoliation does not happen in nature insects high winds hard rain and in nature is it raining pureblend and liquid karma root booster ever 2dayz we recreate environments best we can but we add extras so wat happened in nature really has no bearings on how my girls do in my grow room but thks anyway


Well-Known Member
And by the way since I've been grow my own meds my girls have been then worst than losing a few leaves so I think the extra stress point is out its weed not Daisy's actually WEED

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
The only place defoliation has been 'PROVEN' to increase yield in MJ is within the heads of those foolish enough to want too believe it. They need to be the 'ones' that grew that monster bud. Forget the role the plant and genetics had to play in it. Dragging the grow out while adding undo stress to the plant.
are you talking facts or that riu babble that seems to go on around here? i mean no disrespect, but there are a lot of false info that this community seems to pass of as actual fact or truth.
when i am back on i will post a pic of a perfectly healthy plant that has been heavily defoliated with lower nugs that wouldn't have properly developed if i didn't. that alone tells me that defoliating has some positive significance, if it's done right.


Well-Known Member
What do you consider experimenting and for that matter what do you consider 'proven'? People can 'experiment' on a personal level, to find out what works for them or appease themselves, but I seriously doubt that many of our experimenting pot growers are trained scientists, know of the scientific method, or follow any real procedures to isolate variables whatsoever other than the ones they think they might have control over.
experimenting= trying things try the things others said works for them - but keep in mind everyone has a different set up, nutes, lights, enviornment ,seeds, an erryting else
which is why you cant listen to whut errone tells you

untill you try fo yourself- noone are scientist correct no one is rporting to a lb wher youd have to be a scientest but sum have knowledge an sum do not

only quest is to find whut works best for your set up ( stile of seeds you like , lights, stile of growing) not the next man is why you must experament till you lock down yo set up cause all are diff believe dat

extreme defoliators remind me of a bunch of anorexic ladies with eating disorders.
without haters you are nobody doing nutin



Well-Known Member
mj is the only plant lots female turn mal inpregnate itself -break branch off two grows out- seed las for fifty years will ger but wit a low %-morei cant think of at moment

but mj is in a class of its own straight from god -book of genesis- gets you high - and you ask is mj in a group of its own cause it reacts diff from standards




OK so how can u say defoliation does not happen in nature insects high winds hard rain and in nature is it raining pureblend and liquid karma root booster ever 2dayz we recreate environments best we can but we add extras so wat happened in nature really has no bearings on how my girls do in my grow room but thks anyway
Umm, yeah. You keep on believing that.

Plants are not mobile organisms. For us when it gets too hot or cold or something is about to chop our limbs off, we can get up and walk away. A plant cannot do that; a plant has to stick around and be able to tough out the conditions where ever it sprang up. If a plant loses a part of itself it will usually regenerate so long as enough foliage is left and it does this because it has to in order to survive. If the dominant meristem is damaged or severed the axillary meristems will take over; when we do this intentionally indoors we call it topping. How it actually works, for those who don't know, is the apex (top) of the dominant meristem is producing auxin, a plant hormone which inhibits the growth of those axillary shoots. Remove the apex and growth of those side shoots is enhanced; one or more of the top most shoots should take over. Of course, this undoubtedly happened outside in nature before it ever happened in anybodies grow room... and why does the plant do this? Probably because it has to in order to survive.

The point is that topping a plant results in a definite, observable response the outcome of which is typically overwhelmingly favorable and can be predicted. Plus the phenomenon can be explained.

Plants certainly are not asking for insects, high winds, or damage to their foliage in general. In the outdoor environment they're certainly likely to incur some abusive forces at some point and for the species as a whole it is entirely inevitable; they just have to be able to recover from such damage. I cannot explain this any other way. Indoors we're supposed to be able to give our plants more ideal conditions so they don't necessarily have to deal with such stressors.

Why are we cutting off the big fan leaves, again, what do those things do? They are only the most efficient producers of energy on the plant, after all. But they are 'shading' some lower growth or inner side shoot? I assure you that plants do not 'see' light the same way that humans do (look up human eye anatomy and how our eyes adjust to see between light levels, it is fascinating) and light does actually pass right through the upper canopy. The upper leaves are likely utilizing the higher-energy wavelengths of light (blue) while the lower energy yellow-green wavelengths are probably used more by lower growth.

The side shoot will grow (stretch) to get more light if it wants it. Plants should be kept short\within what is reasonable for your lighting, or lower growth removed before flowering. Otherwise if somebody is so damned concerned about a leaf 'shading' a bud or a lower\side shoot, why not just move or tie it out of the way a bit?

Or why not look into some side lighting? How can a leaf be too big and why does it have to be removed? Can a plant can be too healthy, or something?


Well-Known Member
There's a right way and a wrong way to do anything, topping, lsting, fimming etc. .. You do it right you get good results, wrong way you fuck it up.


Well-Known Member
@NULLIS I'm saying that cannabis in nature is a survivior and it can with stand mild defoliation and ur reference to humans to plants o doubt tht the ph in ur body fluctuates u die m.j u fix just like new


Well-Known Member
My proof this plant has be defoliated it whole veg stage 1half mths the main stalk is the size of.a quarter and look at the branching it was topped once four day's ago other than tht nothing its 1503 og all indica master Kush *cherry og *white rhino 2 1/2 ft I see me getting 2to3oz of same quality Med per plant dense nuggets 11in a 4*4*7 tent 1000w light


Well-Known Member
You're fighting a losing battle.. Some people won't accept new things, if you went back 15 to 20 yrs ago and told the growers the stuff that's being done to plants now they would tell you, you are crazy as hell. Methods of growing change and advance all the time.


Well-Known Member
Me personally, once a plant goes thru stretch. Then i get rid of those big 6 to 8 inch fan leaves.. The fans grow first at internodes for a reason. To supply energy for that branch to grow, once it has it's own it doesn't need the fan anymore.. If the fans were that important, then they wouldn't be the first thing to die off on the plant. And please don't come at me with any of the scientific mumbo-jumbo, it's a friggin plant not rocket science.


dopedeeii, no offense, but I can barely understand what you are trying to say. Actually I really can't.

Other than it has nothing to do with cannabis being a survivor, this is pretty much universal amongst plants honestly now. Many many plants, trees even, can be topped. Nobody is going to argue that cannabis can't 'stand' losing leaves, but intentionally removing them because they are "covering the buds" is just a bit ludicrous.


Me personally, once a branch develops enough leaves to support itself. Then i get rid of those big 6 to 8 inch fan leaves.. The fans grow first at internodes for a reason. To supply energy for that branch to grow, once it has it's own it doesn't need the fan anymore.. If the fans were that important, then they wouldn't be the first thing to die off on the plant. And please don't come at me with any of the scientific mumbo-jumbo, it's a friggin plant not rocket science.
No it really isn't rocket science. If the plant didn't need the fuckin leaf it would drop it itself, and it will after it salvages what it can from it. Beyond everything else there are still valuable primary\secondary metabolites in those leaves.

Too logical for ya?


Well-Known Member
Plant biology...he got some knowledge dropped on his ass!
Leaves fall on their own without your help.
I just LST or Top+Crop if the leaves are huge and block nodes.


Well-Known Member
Once buds are formed you want the least stress possible. I only LST a plant during vegetation and give it 10+days recovery before flowering.

Pulling off fan/water leaves will never be an advancement in growing...Ever heard of Tucking?
Instead of plucking the life out of the plant you can simply Tuck the leaf under a branch.


Well-Known Member
Nullis I'm say mj is a weed a scavenger plant go halfway pull up sum weeds in ur yard watch how quick and how much stronger they come back