That's why you have to try it yourself. Once you see that plant responds even better then you will see for yourself. Sun leaves absorb energy but also rob the plant of nutes to grow themselves. It's not like outside where there are sunny and shady day's for it to even out. Why do you think sun leaves get so big ? They are robbing the plant. You will see the plant eat less and still grow better.
I cut them all off right from clone and them let them grow out for a few weeks and get nice and bushy again and cut again and again if necessary.
Here's my flowering Aurora about done 3 weeks. I trimmed her over the weekend bare.
Here's a quick one i just took lights out though so not that great but it shows the purple wreck in the back i trimmed over the weekend and the aurora I did last night. Which I still need to trim a bit more.
It's a better way to get bushier mom's and bigger clones as well as more bud site's as you can see.