Defoliation for LED Growers: Who does, who doesn't? Photo's of results work best!


Well-Known Member
So basically I am asking if defoliation would be a + for LED growers since our lights do not have as powerful penetration as say HPS. I've read the myths, the " don't do it they are the plants main power source" and "Allowing the light down to the lower buds sites increases growth of the flowers and helps prevent those little fuzzball buds that light was not getting to." All thoughts welcome but please don't fight. Back up your words with photos of results. Side by side comparisons etc. I am currently on my first LED grow and decided to defoliate a lot during week 6 of 12/12. Watching for my own results.

Hi Slinger,
For a little over 3 years I have been growing exclusively with LED and I can report that it works to increase the density of the lower buds and improves yields. I use several LED light sources. About half of the LEDs have 60 degree lenses over them. The lensed LEDs are directly over the plants which utilizes the penetration created by the 60* lenses. I have roughly half of the LEDs without secondary lenses surrounding the plants between 5 and 10" down from the tops. They have 120 degree primary lenses. The 'surround' LEDs provide fill light which also adds light to the lower part of the plant. This works really well but, if you only have a single LED source defoliation works to get light to the lower part of the plants. I usually remove only the oldest leaves, especially the ones shading lower bud sites. I do it once in veg and once or twice in flower. The idea is to get that life-giving light to every part of the plants not just the foot or two closest to the light. One thing I also do is keep my canopy as even as possible and use a light mover. With an even canopy and a mover you can get your light real close to the top of every plant and moving prevents light bleaching. Moving it also gets light into places that wouldn't see much if it were stationary. 1+ gram/watt is entirely possible with LED!
Hi Slinger,
For a little over 3 years I have been growing exclusively with LED and I can report that it works to increase the density of the lower buds and improves yields. I use several LED light sources. About half of the LEDs have 60 degree lenses over them. The lensed LEDs are directly over the plants which utilizes the penetration created by the 60* lenses. I have roughly half of the LEDs without secondary lenses surrounding the plants between 5 and 10" down from the tops. They have 120 degree primary lenses. The 'surround' LEDs provide fill light which also adds light to the lower part of the plant. This works really well but, if you only have a single LED source defoliation works to get light to the lower part of the plants. I usually remove only the oldest leaves, especially the ones shading lower bud sites. I do it once in veg and once or twice in flower. The idea is to get that life-giving light to every part of the plants not just the foot or two closest to the light. One thing I also do is keep my canopy as even as possible and use a light mover. With an even canopy and a mover you can get your light real close to the top of every plant and moving prevents light bleaching. Moving it also gets light into places that wouldn't see much if it were stationary. 1+ gram/watt is entirely possible with LED!

Thanks for the info sir. I am growing in a 36 in x 20 in x 56 in space so a light mover would be impossible for me! I've noticed with defoliation an increase in growth of all the small new leaves growing out of the buds. Will continue to watch for fattening of lower Bud sites.
It's strain dependent. Some strains take too it and others don't. I've had buds swell up quite a bit from some strains and others take another 2 or 3 weeks longer to finish and yield small or I have even had where half of the plant is more immature than the rest from defoliation. It's trial n error. Honestly I have had much better and more consistent results leaving the leaves alone. Unless there is redundant leaf growth. Like 3 leaves growing almost out of the same spot,
I just started flowering with my led and I spot remove leaves. I don't do a full strip down, I just look at the plant each day and decide which fan leaves need to come off.
I would rather cut the bottom bud sites off completely and let the tops mature with fan leaves intact, than defoliate my ladies. No amount of defoliation is going to give you uMole numbers like you get at the top of the canopy, but removing fan leaves limits the amount of energy your tops can absorb!

I say LST/Scrog and remove all lower bud sites! Add the weight where you want it, in the colas!

If one of my colas is shading another cola, I will remove a very select few fan leaves to ensure even canopy... that's about it. Removing leaves removes sources where the plant can absorb energy.
LED or HOT5, I defol primary leafs below 2nd node.

Now I run hydro systems (bubbleponics + my DIY Top Spray) so my girls are under near constant hydration. I would be hesitant in non-hydro systems
I hate the idea of chopping bits off.

Like Beef, i only take off select leaves that are physically blocking the upwards growth of other growth sites.

I've yet to hear anyone explain how leaves not in use are hurting a plant. (i.e: so why remove them when they are full of juice for later)

I don't buy the "budsites in shade" idea either. light energy is being stored and used by the plant no matter where it hits. Besides, keeping a nice even canopy is not hard at all IMHO.
Yep......Never remove any green leaves unless you have extremely high RH issues. It's been proven time and time again largest yields are acquired by leaving the plant alone(training and scrogging indoors is fine) with as minimal stress as possible to alleviate any chances of sex change/stunted flowering IMO. I've worked with food crops for a decade and leafing was never implemented unless it was a rainy season.

this technique is not useful under any type of light source IMO..........I'll get Dawg to convert eventually/lol I've been nagging him for a year now:-)
Thank you everyone for your input. I kinda wished I would have started this post before I personality took the plunge. Oh well there is no going back and this first led grow was a test. Grow and learn! Hopefully I can still pull off a decent harvest!
By now or in the next few days you should notice more development in the lower part of your plants which is the result of your defoliation. The trick as mentioned by SB is to only take mature leaves that block the light to lower leaves. Unless you over did it you should be real happy with your yield.:mrgreen: