Defoilate or not defoilate, that isnthe question

Unless you did a 3 way test with identical clones, then that point is moot. It didn't seem to phase the plants, but you have no idea if it did or didn't.
Science apparently doesn't apply when growing cannabis.

I've run this cut multiple times, so I know how quickly it grows and how it typically yields. Compared to past runs, I yielded around the same amount, and plants grew just as quickly following a good leaf strip in early flowering. It's true that I don't have specific side-by-side numbers to have a scientific comparison, but I'm been doing this long enough, and run enough cycles with this same cut, that I have a pretty good idea what I'm talking about. Of course, my findings this run are anecdotal at best, but if you look at my original statement, I feel like that was already implied, when I said that it " didn't seem to phase the plants at all".
BK is making a good point. If you feel like a person is ruining your experience here, just block them. Name calling and going back and forth with them isn't going to change their personality. It just makes you a hypocrite for behaving in the same manner.
I agree, and if you haven't or can't chat decent with another human being, keep your silly Fucking mouth shut. This is supposed to be a stones site, I've never seen so many angry dick heads, fuck me.
Ps, I don't give 2 fucks who removes leaves or not, do it, don't do it, you learn yourself then, then you don't have to read all the bollox on an angry weed board. Personally, I just remove dead shizz. Cheers to all the tidy, grown up stoners.
Ps, I don't give 2 fucks who removes leaves or not, do it, don't do it, you learn yourself then, then you don't have to read all the bollox on an angry weed board. Personally, I just remove dead shizz. Cheers to all the tidy, grown up stoners.

You’re the least grown up stoner in this thread so far by a mile.
In all reality I don't think it makes much of a difference either way. Cannabis is such a robust plant that regrowing leaves that are removed isn't going to make much of a difference. It also isn't going to just send energy that was going to leaves to the buds and have any positive impact on yield. I do think that overall it is not a positive thing for the plant and that the plant health will be better served by letting it grow without any extreme defoliation.

I've been growing for quite some time and I have experimented with just about everything including heavy defoliation. And yes years ago I pulled plants and boiled the roots before hanging them to dry. I've also flushed and used sugars like sucanat believing that it would sweeten and make the finished product smoother. These things were all done many years ago and from my experience there was absolutely no benefit so I stopped doing it. Why spend time doing something that serves no purpose? I look for ways to spend the least amount of time tending to my plants. I'll be damned if I'm going to spend time trimming leaves for nothing.

I guess people have to find out for themselves. I remember when I was doing stuff I'd read posts from other growers saying the same things I say today. I didn't listen so I expect others are the same. As people get more experience growing and years of doing it in all different ways most generally settle on a minimalist approach where they do as little as possible and adopt a set it and forget it approach. It's like the growers that were using a shopping cart full of different bottled products and then found that a simple 1-3 part nutrient was all they needed and started having the best grows they ever had.

You absolutely should defol. And defol hard. You’ll just grow nugs if you defol the fuck out if it.

in a commercial operation, defol is a main task. It’s important.