Definitely a newbie question


Active Member
Hey all,

I just started my first grow. The paper towel method of germinating worked for me pretty well, and I just got finished planting a couple of seeds into some good quality soil.

I put the soil into a tiny plastic cup (the kind folks keep in the bathroom). I watered the soil just a bit (I was a little nervous about this part). The soil was not soaked...just nice and hydrated.

I put them under my fluorescent (75 watts...hardly adequate, I know) and turned on the fan...

My question: do I continue to water this little sprout every day, or do I wait just a bit until the plant is bigger?

Thanks. ZT.


From all of the videos I've seen about growing, you want to water them a pretty good amount each time you water them. That is, up until water starts to drain.

You did make a drain hole didn't you? If you didn't, extra water can store up at the bottom of the cup and rot the roots.

I suggest you search for 'The Ultimate Grow'. It is on this site somewhere, but just google it. I just watched both of them the past 2 days and I've learned tons from them. It was sad that I didn't have any weed to smoke while watching it :-(.


Hey all,

I just started my first grow. The paper towel method of germinating worked for me pretty well, and I just got finished planting a couple of seeds into some good quality soil.

I put the soil into a tiny plastic cup (the kind folks keep in the bathroom). I watered the soil just a bit (I was a little nervous about this part). The soil was not soaked...just nice and hydrated.

I put them under my fluorescent (75 watts...hardly adequate, I know) and turned on the fan...

My question: do I continue to water this little sprout every day, or do I wait just a bit until the plant is bigger?

Thanks. ZT.
Water when it is dry about one-two inches below surface every other day ph water or distilled, turn off the fan for now or do not have it blowing on the seedling as it will dry it out.