Deficient in something looks weird though..


not sure what's going on, here's some info on them,

Sunshine mix #4 soil
Earth juice full line,
Lately in veg I've done my feed on a feed feed water schedule at this ration per gallon
3/4th-1 tbs grow,
5 mil bloom,
5 mil catylist,
and 5mil cal-mag

For some reason in the last month, I've had a bunch of deficiencys not to sure as of why or what it is. Haven't checked the ph of soil in a couple weeks but should be okay still.
Am I over feeding?? Or under feeding? Who that's into organics knows???



Well-Known Member
Are u bubbling the brew for 24 hours and adjusting the ph before feeding? Earth juice requires this for stabilizing the ph etc

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Yes, yes ,these are classic symptoms of several nutrient deficiencies. Your sunshine #4 mix is devoid of nutrients so you've got to add them as you know and are doing. However, you could bring up the N and definitely the calcium and magnesium. The pale color is lack of N and the splotches of darker colors are indicative of cal,mag.


Are u bubbling the brew for 24 hours and adjusting the ph before feeding? Earth juice requires this for stabilizing the ph etc
Yes bubbling for 24-48 hours, and phing.

Yes, yes ,these are classic symptoms of several nutrient deficiencies. Your sunshine #4 mix is devoid of nutrients so you've got to add them as you know and are doing. However, you could bring up the N and definitely the calcium and magnesium. The pale color is lack of N and the splotches of darker colors are indicative of cal,mag.
So your thinking I should just up my feed of nitrogen and calmag?