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My first grow. Plants are nearly 2 months. Fed light nutes and were rootbound for a bit. I repotted and used a good dose of fertilizer last weekend. No improvement. Leaves yellowing and dropping from bottom of plants.
I had no schedule. I fertilized them a quarter to half strength 3-4 times in 2 months. Gave en full strength last weektell me about your fertilizer. NPK.
Then tell me the ppm you used.
You fertilized last weekend, how are you watering? Do you go water, feed, water, feed? (seperated by days)
Its dropping at a rate to where some plants are stuck at the same number of nodes off main stalk..a new set of leaves appears and one drops from bottomso your worried about the couple fan leafs on the bottom? thats not out of the ordinary it looks like you had a problem at one time like a couple weeks back just keep an eye on it I dont think its a big deal as new growth sprouts the plant dosent put much energy in to the lower stuff any more dont trip about a leaf or two no it a big chunk of your plant looks like that you hsve problems
It was cooler than usual for about a momth and cloudy mostly. Suns been out in full blast finally the last few weeks. Was wondering if this had to do with beung rootbound or n deficiencyyour plants a little droopy looks to just be high temps outside
on the plants main stem are their red/purple lines going up and down
A little bit of red on stalk..r reddish leaf stemson the plants main stem are their red/purple lines going up and down
When i transplanted i noticed the roots made a thick white mat at bottom of dirt mass. I looked and imagined the roots were so massed up there that no water would go through..lol. It was bad..alland the root bound thing ive been in the horticulture business for 20 years and have planted hundreds of thousands of plants in thousands of varieties root bound is not necessarily bad (and define root bound do you have any pics) healthy plants get root bound and use more water and nutes ok that can be a problem ya but dont realy get deficiencies (deficiencies means the plant has the nutes available but is not able to absorb them due to things like ph, over watering, soil temps exc) its real hard like next to impossible to over water a root bound plant or give it to much nutes ya you can do it but it would be alot becouse of it being root bound its useing more than normal root bound plants usually run in to problems from not having enough food/nutes not the other way around
Thats exactly what i was saying .maybe rooutbound conditions caused deficiency. Well..that and the scarce light feedingsand the root bound thing ive been in the horticulture business for 20 years and have planted hundreds of thousands of plants in thousands of varieties root bound is not necessarily bad (and define root bound do you have any pics) healthy plants get root bound and use more water and nutes ok that can be a problem ya but dont realy get deficiencies (deficiencies means the plant has the nutes available but is not able to absorb them due to things like ph, over watering, soil temps exc) its real hard like next to impossible to over water a root bound plant or give it to much nutes ya you can do it but it would be alot becouse of it being root bound its useing more than normal root bound plants usually run in to problems from not having enough food/nutes not the other way around
Mg liquid fert 24-8-16 about once a week at quarter to half strength..epsoma 10-5-5 dry fert applied to top of mix a few times in last 3 weeks at maybe quarter strength.the white mat as a landscaper we would take box knifes to those im a lill scared to go that extreme but I do pull that stuff apart by hand if not just remove it carefully
the redish lines are usually the first sign of the plant having troubles absorbing nutes dont freak out when you see them but it's just a sign now if your stalk is all purple then its time to freak out
(some strains will genetically just have these lines)
so it is definitely not sounding as its a deficiency nutes available but not being absorb as described above
its sounding more like nutes are not present as in you need to feed it more that root mass can consume a good dose of nutes idk what you are using for food/nutes but they need more
The days have been unusually hot the last week..mid 90s and humid for ohiothe white mat as a landscaper we would take box knifes to those im a lill scared to go that extreme but I do pull that stuff apart by hand if not just remove it carefully
the redish lines are usually the first sign of the plant having troubles absorbing nutes dont freak out when you see them but it's just a sign now if your stalk is all purple then its time to freak out
(some strains will genetically just have these lines)
so it is definitely not sounding as its a deficiency nutes available but not being absorb as described above
its sounding more like nutes are not present as in you need to feed it more that root mass can consume a good dose of nutes idk what you are using for food/nutes but they need more
Northern light. Afgan kush and super skunk. Feelin like leaf drop has actually picked up. Drying of leaves ..some plants have 3 sets of leaves at bottom yellowing or drying and wilting some while still greenNORMAL - for an outside grow - no worries good looking plants; strain?
Mg liquid fert 24-8-16 about once a week at quarter to half strength..epsoma 10-5-5 dry fert applied to top of mix a few times in last 3 weeks at maybe quarter strength.