

Active Member
Hey guys I loaded my girls into their outdoor spots and about a week in one of my girls is showing odd lighter green areas in the inside parts of the leaf, it's in the newer sprouting growth. I'm thinking nitrogen, mag or iron, can any of you old timers help spot out what this could be. I'm running organic supersoil but it's a light mix cause it was my first time mixing soil, so I only put half of the recommended amounts of amendments in. You can see some purpling in the stems of the sun leafs which tells me Mg but I think nitrogen and iron could cause this too. Any help would be much appreciated! Thx!



Well-Known Member
Same thing on one of my plants lighter green dark green on the majority of the leaf I think its nitrogen but I feed mine plenty so I have no idea lol.


Active Member
Ya I got some mag sulfate and foliar fed twice so far, tomorrow I plan on giving a lite nutrient feed to give some nitrogen and micro's into the mix. Hopefully this takes care of it, I'm pretty good at calling out deficiency's but this I've never seen.