Deficiency or Too Much Light Exposure??

  • My plants recently had really bad nutrient burn. I perceived this initially as a deficiency so i added more nutrients. Rookie mistake I guess......Now I have a new issue. After heavy flushing of the medium and a little granulated lime to stabilize the pH I seem to have what I perceive to be either a nutrient deficiency or possibly (I say "possibly" because I've yet to ever see this) too much light exposure. Considering I recently had to flush the medium because of too many nutrients I am now scared to do any thing without outside consultation first. Here are some pics. Please give your thoughts and comments. **Also, I recently added a side hanging 1000 watt LED to an already existing over-head 600 watt HPS. This is why I hypothesize too much light exposure as a possible issue.**




How big is your grow area 50 watts per square works for me hps I don't know about led's your plants don't look burnt so how much of nutrients are you feeding I thinking you've been underfeeding~

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
That's 2 for Deficiency. Looks like bottom leafs are giving away their reserves to feed the top. I'd vote your soil ec is high, or pH low, and your lady wasnt getting much food. If you flushed and she's starving feed her, but start at half strength