Deficiency or PH Problem?


Hi, first real grow problem, plants older leaves are yellowing at tips, inbetween vaines, and then leaf seams to die. Stems of dying leaves also seem to be a bit red. Was thinking mag def, so added 1 tsp of epsom salt to last feeling along with reg dose of Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Wondering if anyone has any other ideas. Thanks.

I grow in FFOF and basically follow schedule, 5 gallon pot, 400w hps, 85 during day 77 night.

Any help would be appreciated.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
It's not a micro deficiency, it's a macrodef. The yellowing is either from N def, P def or both. The necrosis at the leaf tips suggests Phosphorus but the brightness of the yellowing suggests Nitrogen. Try giving them a strong dose of both. Fish Emulsion, some Guanos and Blood Meal are high in Nitrogen. Bone Meal and some Guanos are high in Phosphorus. There are also Guanos that are high in both that would work well.


Thanks for quick reply, gonna pick up fish emulsion from walmart, they have it in garden section. Should I do it right away, I did just feed it a normal dose of big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom, and epsom salt, so the soil is pretty moist, will it be okay to add more liquid right away or should i wait a day or two to add fish emulsion?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
This part can be a tough call because the leaves won't heal from the damage you're seeing. Even when you fix the problem, the best that will happen is the damage won't progress further. At worst after fixing the problem, affected leaves will continue to get worse until the die and dry up, and the damage just won't spread to other leaves.

You at least need to wait until the soil is good and dry before watering/feeding again. The way that the leaves are curling parallel to the mid rib can be from overwatering and/or mild heat stress. Since they haven't had Fish Emulsion before and since they may be N deficient, go ahead and give them a regular dose (usually 2tsp/gal) once at least the top half of the soil is bone dry. You should really try to get some P in there if you fertilize next watering. We think waiting two watering cycles before getting them more P will cause them to get worse. Phosphorus is also more important to flowering than Nitrogen is.

Don't worry too much about fertilizer burn. Plants with macro deficiencies aren't easily burnt. To get the most yield with powerful lights, the lowest and oldest leaves should really be burnt off by the end of flowering anyway.

While there are other issues, the soil pH (or the last few drops of runoff after watering) should still be checked when possible. Even cheap kits that only cost a few bucks can give you an idea what's going on.


Ok, will wait till soil gets to normal dryness b4 watering again, I usually wait till plants are pretty light feeling b4 watering.

When I did water day of this post, I did overwater a little, nd also, the room is on the warmer side, so hopefully thats the main reason for curling a bit.

My next question is, when i watered yesterday, I did have 4 Tbs of FF Big Bloom, 2 tsp FF Grow Big, and 3 tsp of FF Tiger Bloom. I know all these have a bit of nutes in them. What do you suggest I get to add specifically for P, I will get fish emulsion for N, but you say P is currently top priority.


Also gonna get ph kit.i work on pools and have a great test kit, but it only reads from 6.8 to 7.8 with 7.6 being ideal for pools. I need one that can accurately check, because currently the runoff is reading 6.8, but with my kit that means it could really be anywhere under 7.0

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Look at it from the point of view before you fertilized. When you fertilized, you may have fixed certain deficiencies but as we were saying earlier, the damage isn't going to heal & show you the problem is gone. You didn't mention in the first post that you used Grow Big as well and that should have provided more N. Honestly, you at least helped the problem, if not fixed it entirely. Your Tiger Bloom should have a good amount of P. Since you already gave them some or all of what they needed, focus on checking the pH of the soil and see how they're doing come next watering time.