Deficiency or Nutrient burn of some sort?

From what ive read FF will buffer me for a few weeks, ive had these plants in this soil for almost a month now if im not mistaken. The only feeding ive done is 1/4 strength, big bloom, calmag. Do you think that could still be a lockout?

FF will buffer for as long as you need, that's largely in its cation exchange capacity. It will only feed for a few weeks because it will deplete those cations and nutrition will need to be added. However, it's what you're feeding. Heavy K, Ca, P (direct relationship with Mg) and Mg will block Iron.

If you are watering at 6.3, you're too high. OF is a peat based mix and it acts like it. 5.8-6.0 will help you out, as would a top layer of compost to boost your microbes. They will fix the situation much quicker than you can.
appreciate the honesty and noted. My next watering will be straight water thats for sure. Will take it one step at a time until then. Thinking I need to top/train some of these girls real soon. Update pictures today. 20191127_234949.jpg20191127_234946.jpg
FF will buffer for as long as you need, that's largely in its cation exchange capacity. It will only feed for a few weeks because it will deplete those cations and nutrition will need to be added. However, it's what you're feeding. Heavy K, Ca, P (direct relationship with Mg) and Mg will block Iron.

If you are watering at 6.3, you're too high. OF is a peat based mix and it acts like it. 5.8-6.0 will help you out, as would a top layer of compost to boost your microbes. They will fix the situation much quicker than you can.
Oh wow okay! Thanks for the great reply. Was thinking 6.3 was on the lower level. I will go even lower then! Thanks for that advice. What do you suggest for that top compost layer?

Do you suggest i change up what im feeding with at all or just go less/straight water?

Ive got Fox Farms trio, liquid karma, cal mag, seaweed extract, molasses, fish guana, recharge, mykos/azos.

Oh wow okay! Thanks for the great reply. Was thinking 6.3 was on the lower level. I will go even lower then! Thanks for that advice. What do you suggest for that top compost layer?

Do you suggest i change up what im feeding with at all or just go less/straight water?

Ive got Fox Farms trio, liquid karma, cal mag, seaweed extract, molasses, fish guana, recharge, mykos/azos.


6.3 is a fair ph for soil... Which OF really isn't. It's more of a hot compost with peat. In simplest terms, metals need to be slightly more acidified in a "hydro" element for proper uptake.

Any quality compost will do, even EWC. Both contain readily available nutrition that won't burn your plants, beneficial bacteria, and more organic matter which will offset the peat slightly. Peat has a slightly lower CEC, but the organic matter makes up for it. While that won't defeat your ph issue, it will provide bacteria that will form a symbiotic relationship with your roots and pretty much make ph obsolete.

If you are going to top dress with compost/castings, just plain water for a week or so, then feed. However, try to get at least one watering at 5.5-6.0 in between adding the microbes. They don't like ph or environmental changes, so best to do it before adding them.

Out of that lineup, I would start feeding the kelp extract and microbes first, then start bumping what's needed as its needed. Kelp is very beneficial for unlocking nutrients that become bound. Microbes love kelp as well, plus it has lots of trace elements.

All in all, try to look at it as feeding your soil, and letting your soil feed your plant. Nutrition is important, but making it available when needed is more important.
Ahh gotchya! I was going off the fact that i assumed it would be in the soil category. Makes sense though. I will lower the ph next feedings. EWC = Earth worm castings? I did buy some of those a couple weeks back!

If im understanding this all right I should top dress the pots with EWC, about an inch deep or little less? I will make sure to give a plain water before top dressing. Should be a few days given that i fed last night. Seems to dry out after about 3-4 days.

Do you suggest i water at all with the mykoz/azos, assuming thats what you mean by microbes. Or just use my small pack of recharge? I did add the mykos/azos when transplanting just never have watered with. I will add the kelp extract definitely. Have yet to use that.

Thanks for all the wonderful replies and info, i really appreciate it.
Gave a very light seaweed feeding and lower ph water, as well as a epsom salt/water foliar spray the other day. Things are looking alright, still a little yellowing but nothing is getting worse. Thoughts?


Thoughts on topping some of these taller ones?