

Active Member
Ok so with this plant ill give you the rundown on its life so far because its been through a bit due to me rushing into things...I got 4 under 600mh, distilled water is being used, temp stays between 75-80 but drops a little during lights out. soil ph sittin on 6.

I originally planted in soil and it broke ground on the 1st of may. I thought the soil was REAL hard so decided to move to a soil less medium being peat moss. Me being impatients as hell and not doing the proper research I put it in straight peat moss and it was there for about 4 days before I realised how acidic straight peat was. The first set of true leaves got a little burnt on the tips.
2013-05-20 17.04.32.jpg (This was the day of the move to peat/perlite/lime)
Anyway I bought more peat moss some perlite and dolomite lime. It has been in the 60/40 mix for about 2 and a half weeks now and it seems to be bouncing back ok.

I didnt feed any nutes until yesterday because people told me to wait until 3-4 nodes show. A few days ago someone told me I should have gave nutrients as soon as I put in peat moss. About 48 hours ago the first set of true leaves began to yellow so I set out to buy some nutes. I bought GH Flora series hoping it would fix this and gave half strength of the seedling feed cycle being- 0.5ml of Gro, 1ml of Micro, 0.5ml of Bloom to a gallon. Half strength...

This morning I went out to check if the yellowing had improved but it has gotten worse. I know the first set of true leaves do yellow out and die but I dont know if that is supposed to happen this early. I looked at the deficiancy chart and it is closest to phosphorus def.

View attachment 26808222013-06-01 12.17.26.jpg2013-06-01 12.17.45.jpg2013-06-01 12.17.58.jpg

I know it is tiny for 4 weeks since breaking ground but I think I stunted it growth by putting it in straight peat moss. I have noticed it has bounced back and growth is speeding up. Let me know your thoughts and opinions...Is this some kind of deficiency and is it always going to be a runt? I have got 3 others so losing this will be a pain in the ass but not too big of a knock...

Its Northern Lights...


Well-Known Member
Yes. Definitely needs more fertilizer.

seriously though. Ditch it and focus on the healthy plants.


Active Member
I think it looks kinda like burn, and those temps are a bit high for seedlings
The tips of those leaves are burn from the straight peat moss...They have been there for a few weeks. The yellowing only been there for a couple days. The seedlings are about 15' from the light with a fan blowing over them so the light wouldnt be burning them and I gave nutes for the first time yesterday. The yellowing was there before the nutes, the medium ph is 6 and im using distilled water so not sure what could have burnt them.

Anyone else have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Whoever told you to have food in it from the start is right. I don't see why so many people give the advice to starve children. They grow much faster when they have food from the start, like when they're grown in nature.

I wouldn't throw it away either.


Well-Known Member
Also, if you do start over, if you're going to use hydroponic nutrients, you shouldn't use limestone as the hydroponic nutes have all the calcium and the pH is supposed to be kept at 5.5.

Limestone is for organic grows. A great mix for organic is perlite and peat moss with worm castings, lime, and silt with some potash and rock phosphates.

but for hydro, just peat moss and perlite, or whatever the hempy guys use, but with no minerally stuff like silt or lime.


Active Member
Also, if you do start over, if you're going to use hydroponic nutrients, you shouldn't use limestone as the hydroponic nutes have all the calcium and the pH is supposed to be kept at 5.5.

Limestone is for organic grows. A great mix for organic is perlite and peat moss with worm castings, lime, and silt with some potash and rock phosphates.

but for hydro, just peat moss and perlite, or whatever the hempy guys use, but with no minerally stuff like silt or lime.
Nah I already have another 3 going...One is 3 weeks old and the others are 2 weeks. The 3 week old had only one true leaf and now its just sprouting leaves wherever it feels like. Looks strange as hell. The 2 2week old are lookin awesome. Much better than the first and the second.

So what you think. The yellowing is just lack of nutes?