quick update... i guess i should point out i began supplementing with cal mag, not sure if i said that before... im not sure it is necessary, and i think i may wait to put cal mag in, until about 3-4 days of the soup being used... i had a ec of 2.0 and am now trying to lower it a bit... gonna work on it a bit more, i just know at the end of the week they probably could use some calmag, based on cal mag deficiencies popping up around 9-10th day if i dont change soup. might send a sample out to get an analysis since this is a strain im going to keep... other than that, doin bunches of work, just took 19 clones, 5 of which are white rhino, which none of my clones previously rooted, used clonex this time because i got a free amount with the root riot plugs... the air layer clones need to be watered at least three times a day to keep em moist, but then again its like 82F and 30%rh... cleaned my grow room because it was irkin me, and i am about to have to slide my tent out to clean the screen on the window i vent from, i think its fucking up the airflow, and i have to reinforce how the styrofoam board is supported in there... it kind of pops out because of the vacuum when i open the door, and that was really fucking my climate control up, now im runnin @78-79F with 2x600w runnin, instead of 83-85F... anyways, heres a few pics, not much else to report, other plants are gettin huge.
also, i really need to get some clones, and am shit scared about goin to the dispensary... i already got word from friends of the owners of one that they have been battling mites in their cloning labs... also, not sure if i mentioned but when i went to help my homeboy set his gear up, a person had brought him like 20 clones, and me a few and when i walked in as soon as i hit the door, i was like "holy shit fucking mites"... told em to get a trash bag and to pitch it all, then he had to bleach everything cause he had a fan on em... crazy shit, i stripped down in my apartment's basement and had my girl bring me clean clothes then went straight to the shower and had her wash the clothes i wore immediately... can never be to careful (refer to my first journal lol)...